Part 1 in this series on the flavor enhancer MSG or monosodium glutamate (E621) shows the hidden danger in our food today. MSG is used in thousands of produc…
Msg actually hasn't shown to be bad for your health in reproducable studies. And are these idiots actually raging on a SPICE that it makes food taste better, thus making people eat more? ban salt first then. People sometimes feel disy when eating heavy asian food, and falsely blame MSG.
After reading all the comments one thing becomes clear: many who believe MSG is bad have this belief that chemical = bad, and since MSG is a chemical MSG = bad as well. It's only a small reason behind the belief that MSG is bad for you, but its such a rampant one that I find it worth putting my tiny voice into the crowd in the hopes of bringing to the attention of a few a simple fact; everything you are made of, consume, touch and in fact every bit of matter in the universe is a chemical. Molecules made up of elements created in the lives and deaths of stars. I wont argue any other point for or against MSG because I simply don't know enough. I'm just saying to whoever happens to read this, don't allow the use of the word "chemical" to result in a bias in your thinking.
Given that all protein contains a fair amount of glutamate, and that about 95-97% of glutamate in the proteins that we eat ends up being intestinally absorbed - it would seem that if there really is any issue at all with MSG it is with *quantity*, not simply *presence*. So where do you draw the line and why? I mean, for example, it sounds ridiculous to attribute a headache to having eaten a dish containing MSG, when realistically, the glutamate intake for this individual for the meal has only increased, say, 5%. If they ate a larger portion of MSG-free food, they would again suffer a similar headache?
I usually steer clear of food containing MSG but I had no idea in how much it appears in the ingredients- even in "organic" foods/snacks. A few weeks ago when I had absolute nothing left in my pantry and was too lazy to go to the store, I made some ramen noodles (Ugh, I know) and used only 1/2 the packet. About an hour later, I felt like absolute crap! Not only did I have a slight headache but I just felt sort of sick all over. I knew it was the MSG ;(
Of course MSG is naturally in foods, whats really the problem is MSG in already processed shitty foods Most Americans eat is the problem. Now eating whole foods with a little of sprinkle of MSG is fine.
This is totally true i have the most severe headches when i eat foods with msg,s in it , the pain is unbearable its like someone sticking a sharp blade into your head and twisting the knife for anything from 18 hrs to 2 full days and i just had one of these headaches lasting 18 hrs no medication works and you are totally in agony as for sleep you just cant i decided to jus drink as much water as i could and aft 18 hrs steady it stoped usually last a day& a half so im just thankfull its gone ( i was crying out to God to take the pain away ive discovered its usually stuff i bought fr a certain super market their sweets were responsible I ONLY HAD 2 of them and also had that aft eating one of their deserts so i will be buying No more for sure not worth the agony. sorry i dont think i can name the supermarket might land me in bother but i know its their products although not all of their stuff and i will be more carefull what i put in my basket in future for comsumption.
Also where do you think that this belief that msg causes all of these health problems came from? Is it just a coincidence that our food contains msg, and it in fact has nothing to do with the msg but it is the poor diet alone? How do you explain the 40 years of steady increase in obesity correlating with the steady increase in msg content? Why is it that so many people show symptoms of sickness after eating msg? Any answers would be great.Im truly curious and hope you can help out.
I used to have pounding headaches when eating foods containing MSG. Ever since avoiding MSG, I no longer have headaches! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are even better explained in the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery', available on YouTube. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects of man-made MSG on the brain as well as the toxicity of this chemical. Please check the text section for more links and websites with more information about MSG.
Chinese most often use fresh and flavourful food in china, but in the west day use rotten and bad quality cheap food, so they have to put in Msg. In china they use very hot peppers but the white poeple can't eat those.
I agree with your comments healthranger7.I have been speaking my butt off to people about it because it caused my migraines and my son's asthma.I believe too many children are eating it today than when we were children.The sad thing is that poorer or 3rd world countries are being dumped with this neuro toxin and there is no control over how the food industry uses it. I have found so many that are just not interested in changing and would prefer taking their child to the doc every 3 weeks.
MSG is a neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in Sweet Misery. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM
"Sensitivity to MSG" is a FALSE STATEMENT. Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID called glutamic acid. MSG = glutamic acid, is found IN ALL FOODS you eat. Some foods have more than others. You cannot avoid glutamic acid if you eat food. No one is "allergic" or can get "migraines" from MSG. You are misinformed. Watching more videos of misinformation will not change the FACTS. Cite some peer-reviewed journal articles that show evidence, not anecdotal stories.
All industry sponsored studies claim that MSG is safe.... Independent (non-industry sponsored) studies nearly always show that MSG is dangerous. What group are you more willing to believe? The big corporations or independent scientists who want to alert people about health issues? The dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in the film Sweet Misery. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM
How about just looking at incompetence, corruption and fraud? There is HUGE fraud and corruption going on inside the FDA, the agency that is responsible for our food safety. Please watch the following documentaries: 'War on Health - Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA' ~~ /watch?v=h0CQrL5nzwo ~~ 'Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives' ~~ /watch?v=wnlTYFKBg18 ~~ 'Cancer - The Forbidden Cures' ~~ /watch?v=gWLrfNJICeM ~~
Msg actually hasn't shown to be bad for your health in reproducable studies.
And are these idiots actually raging on a SPICE that it makes food taste
better, thus making people eat more? ban salt first then.
People sometimes feel disy when eating heavy asian food, and falsely blame
After reading all the comments one thing becomes clear: many who believe
MSG is bad have this belief that chemical = bad, and since MSG is a
chemical MSG = bad as well. It's only a small reason behind the belief
that MSG is bad for you, but its such a rampant one that I find it worth
putting my tiny voice into the crowd in the hopes of bringing to the
attention of a few a simple fact; everything you are made of, consume,
touch and in fact every bit of matter in the universe is
a chemical. Molecules made up of elements created in the lives and deaths
of stars. I wont argue any other point for or against MSG because I simply
don't know enough. I'm just saying to whoever happens to read this, don't
allow the use of the word "chemical" to result in a bias in your thinking.
Given that all protein contains a fair amount of glutamate, and that about
95-97% of glutamate in the proteins that we eat ends up being intestinally
absorbed – it would seem that if there really is any issue at all with MSG
it is with *quantity*, not simply *presence*. So where do you draw the line
and why? I mean, for example, it sounds ridiculous to attribute a headache
to having eaten a dish containing MSG, when realistically, the glutamate
intake for this individual for the meal has only increased, say, 5%. If
they ate a larger portion of MSG-free food, they would again suffer a
similar headache?
I usually steer clear of food containing MSG but I had no idea in how much
it appears in the ingredients- even in "organic" foods/snacks. A few weeks
ago when I had absolute nothing left in my pantry and was too lazy to go to
the store, I made some ramen noodles (Ugh, I know) and used only 1/2 the
packet. About an hour later, I felt like absolute crap! Not only did I
have a slight headache but I just felt sort of sick all over. I knew it
was the MSG ;(
Of course MSG is naturally in foods, whats really the problem is MSG in
already processed shitty foods Most Americans eat is the problem. Now
eating whole foods with a little of sprinkle of MSG is fine.
This is totally true i have the most severe headches when i eat foods with
msg,s in it , the pain is unbearable its like someone sticking a sharp
blade into your head and twisting the knife for anything from 18 hrs to 2
full days and i just had one of these headaches lasting 18 hrs no
medication works and you are totally in agony as for sleep you just cant i
decided to jus drink as much water as i could and aft 18 hrs steady it
stoped usually last a day& a half so im just thankfull its gone ( i was
crying out to God to take the pain away ive discovered its usually stuff i
bought fr a certain super market their sweets were responsible I ONLY HAD 2
of them and also had that aft eating one of their deserts so i will be
buying No more for sure not worth the agony. sorry i dont think i can name
the supermarket might land me in bother but i know its their products
although not all of their stuff and i will be more carefull what i put in
my basket in future for comsumption.
Also where do you think that this belief that msg causes all of these
health problems came from? Is it just a coincidence that our food contains
msg, and it in fact has nothing to do with the msg but it is the poor diet
alone? How do you explain the 40 years of steady increase in obesity
correlating with the steady increase in msg content? Why is it that so many
people show symptoms of sickness after eating msg? Any answers would be
great.Im truly curious and hope you can help out.
I used to have pounding headaches when eating foods containing MSG. Ever
since avoiding MSG, I no longer have headaches! The dangers and toxicity of
MSG are even better explained in the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery',
available on YouTube. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more
details regarding the effects of man-made MSG on the brain as well as the
toxicity of this chemical. Please check the text section for more links and
websites with more information about MSG.
Chinese most often use fresh and flavourful food in china, but in the west
day use rotten and bad quality cheap food, so they have to put in Msg. In
china they use very hot peppers but the white poeple can't eat those.
I agree with your comments healthranger7.I have been speaking my butt off
to people about it because it caused my migraines and my son's asthma.I
believe too many children are eating it today than when we were
children.The sad thing is that poorer or 3rd world countries are being
dumped with this neuro toxin and there is no control over how the food
industry uses it. I have found so many that are just not interested in
changing and would prefer taking their child to the doc every 3 weeks.
MSG is a neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in Sweet
Misery. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding
the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG.
"Sensitivity to MSG" is a FALSE STATEMENT. Monosodium glutamate is the
sodium salt of the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID called glutamic acid. MSG =
glutamic acid, is found IN ALL FOODS you eat. Some foods have more than
others. You cannot avoid glutamic acid if you eat food. No one is
"allergic" or can get "migraines" from MSG. You are misinformed. Watching
more videos of misinformation will not change the FACTS. Cite some
peer-reviewed journal articles that show evidence, not anecdotal stories.
All industry sponsored studies claim that MSG is safe…. Independent
(non-industry sponsored) studies nearly always show that MSG is dangerous.
What group are you more willing to believe? The big corporations or
independent scientists who want to alert people about health issues? The
dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in the film Sweet Misery. Start
watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects on
the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM
How about just looking at incompetence, corruption and fraud? There is HUGE
fraud and corruption going on inside the FDA, the agency that is
responsible for our food safety. Please watch the following documentaries:
'War on Health – Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA' ~~
/watch?v=h0CQrL5nzwo ~~ 'Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of our Lives' ~~
/watch?v=wnlTYFKBg18 ~~ 'Cancer – The Forbidden Cures' ~~
/watch?v=gWLrfNJICeM ~~
Everyday I continue to become more and more disgusted with the American
food industries. I have been for a long time. I've been looking more and
more into MSG's. All of the companies and scientists know that MSG is
dangerous and that it causes weight gain. They use it to fatten up mice!
It's even in TEA.
There is definite proof that glumatic acid in MSG is damaging! The toxicity
of man -made MSG are explained in Sweet Misery. Start watching at 34:00
into the film for more details regarding the effects on the brain as well
as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM Please consider getting the
excellent book by Dr. Russell Blaylock titled ’EXCITOTOXINS; The Taste That
Kills’ Amazon [dot] com/Excitotoxins-The-Taste-That-Kills/dp/0929173252
Please watch this video: /watch?v=tTSvlGniHok
I did not realize that MSG was in so many foods until today. Since I quit
artificial sweeteners and most processed foods a couple months ago, my
epilepsy has significantly diminished. For some reason I thought MSG was
banned and illegal to put in foods, I don't know why I thought that. But
I'm angered thought that it's not! MSG = Monosodium Glutemate..duh! lol,
why didn't I notice that before???
Artificially produced, free-flowing, unbound glutamate present in MSG is a
neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are even better explained in
the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery', available on YouTube. Start watching at
34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects of man-made MSG
on the brain as well as the toxicity of this chemical. /watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4
’EXCITOTOXINS; The Taste That Kills’ Amazon [dot]
"MSG can be used to reduce salt intake (sodium), which predisposes to
hypertension, heart diseases and stroke (Journal of Health Commun 2:
37–48)." Asian people eat so much MSG that they're the fattest people on
Earth. They're like lab animals, have no consciousness, have no discipline,
and can't make a choice on how much they eat. MSG was invented in Japan, I
heard they don't live very long because they eat MSG. They're the fattest
of all Asians. They are huge! I blame MSG for this obesity
Regardless of the credentials of the 700 Club or Pat Robertson, MSG is
still a neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are better explained in
the documentary 'Sweet Misery'. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for
more details regarding the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of
MSG. watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4
I used to have pounding headaches after eating foods containing MSG. Ever
since avoiding MSG, I no longer have headaches! The dangers and toxicity of
MSG are even better explained in the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery',
available on YouTube. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more
details regarding the effects of man-made MSG on the brain as well as the
toxicity of this chemical. /watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4 Please check the text
section for more links and websites with information about MSG.
Msg actually hasn't shown to be bad for your health in reproducable studies.
And are these idiots actually raging on a SPICE that it makes food taste
better, thus making people eat more? ban salt first then.
People sometimes feel disy when eating heavy asian food, and falsely blame
After reading all the comments one thing becomes clear: many who believe
MSG is bad have this belief that chemical = bad, and since MSG is a
chemical MSG = bad as well. It's only a small reason behind the belief
that MSG is bad for you, but its such a rampant one that I find it worth
putting my tiny voice into the crowd in the hopes of bringing to the
attention of a few a simple fact; everything you are made of, consume,
touch and in fact every bit of matter in the universe is
a chemical. Molecules made up of elements created in the lives and deaths
of stars. I wont argue any other point for or against MSG because I simply
don't know enough. I'm just saying to whoever happens to read this, don't
allow the use of the word "chemical" to result in a bias in your thinking.
Given that all protein contains a fair amount of glutamate, and that about
95-97% of glutamate in the proteins that we eat ends up being intestinally
absorbed – it would seem that if there really is any issue at all with MSG
it is with *quantity*, not simply *presence*. So where do you draw the line
and why? I mean, for example, it sounds ridiculous to attribute a headache
to having eaten a dish containing MSG, when realistically, the glutamate
intake for this individual for the meal has only increased, say, 5%. If
they ate a larger portion of MSG-free food, they would again suffer a
similar headache?
+Zen Sufi +HealthRanger7
If you see the best answer in below link,…
I think both are rightly said. In Principle MSG meant to be good but food
industries are using injection techniques.
However, finding which product is MSG safe is big question to me. So better
avoid it ?
MSG gives me migraines soo bad. Ever since I eliminated it have not had
one. It's dangerous
Stupid, fat Americans.
msg is crappp
I usually steer clear of food containing MSG but I had no idea in how much
it appears in the ingredients- even in "organic" foods/snacks. A few weeks
ago when I had absolute nothing left in my pantry and was too lazy to go to
the store, I made some ramen noodles (Ugh, I know) and used only 1/2 the
packet. About an hour later, I felt like absolute crap! Not only did I
have a slight headache but I just felt sort of sick all over. I knew it
was the MSG ;(
Of course MSG is naturally in foods, whats really the problem is MSG in
already processed shitty foods Most Americans eat is the problem. Now
eating whole foods with a little of sprinkle of MSG is fine.
This is totally true i have the most severe headches when i eat foods with
msg,s in it , the pain is unbearable its like someone sticking a sharp
blade into your head and twisting the knife for anything from 18 hrs to 2
full days and i just had one of these headaches lasting 18 hrs no
medication works and you are totally in agony as for sleep you just cant i
decided to jus drink as much water as i could and aft 18 hrs steady it
stoped usually last a day& a half so im just thankfull its gone ( i was
crying out to God to take the pain away ive discovered its usually stuff i
bought fr a certain super market their sweets were responsible I ONLY HAD 2
of them and also had that aft eating one of their deserts so i will be
buying No more for sure not worth the agony. sorry i dont think i can name
the supermarket might land me in bother but i know its their products
although not all of their stuff and i will be more carefull what i put in
my basket in future for comsumption.
MSG food poisons
But I like my e621! I go there every day! lol
Also where do you think that this belief that msg causes all of these
health problems came from? Is it just a coincidence that our food contains
msg, and it in fact has nothing to do with the msg but it is the poor diet
alone? How do you explain the 40 years of steady increase in obesity
correlating with the steady increase in msg content? Why is it that so many
people show symptoms of sickness after eating msg? Any answers would be
great.Im truly curious and hope you can help out.
I used to have pounding headaches when eating foods containing MSG. Ever
since avoiding MSG, I no longer have headaches! The dangers and toxicity of
MSG are even better explained in the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery',
available on YouTube. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more
details regarding the effects of man-made MSG on the brain as well as the
toxicity of this chemical. Please check the text section for more links and
websites with more information about MSG.
Chinese most often use fresh and flavourful food in china, but in the west
day use rotten and bad quality cheap food, so they have to put in Msg. In
china they use very hot peppers but the white poeple can't eat those.
I agree with your comments healthranger7.I have been speaking my butt off
to people about it because it caused my migraines and my son's asthma.I
believe too many children are eating it today than when we were
children.The sad thing is that poorer or 3rd world countries are being
dumped with this neuro toxin and there is no control over how the food
industry uses it. I have found so many that are just not interested in
changing and would prefer taking their child to the doc every 3 weeks.
I got painful migraines from MSG which prevented me from doing anything
MSG is a neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in Sweet
Misery. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding
the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG.
"Sensitivity to MSG" is a FALSE STATEMENT. Monosodium glutamate is the
sodium salt of the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID called glutamic acid. MSG =
glutamic acid, is found IN ALL FOODS you eat. Some foods have more than
others. You cannot avoid glutamic acid if you eat food. No one is
"allergic" or can get "migraines" from MSG. You are misinformed. Watching
more videos of misinformation will not change the FACTS. Cite some
peer-reviewed journal articles that show evidence, not anecdotal stories.
61 retards have been inflicted from a brain tumor by MSG
All industry sponsored studies claim that MSG is safe…. Independent
(non-industry sponsored) studies nearly always show that MSG is dangerous.
What group are you more willing to believe? The big corporations or
independent scientists who want to alert people about health issues? The
dangers and toxicity of MSG are explained in the film Sweet Misery. Start
watching at 34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects on
the brain as well as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM
How about just looking at incompetence, corruption and fraud? There is HUGE
fraud and corruption going on inside the FDA, the agency that is
responsible for our food safety. Please watch the following documentaries:
'War on Health – Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA' ~~
/watch?v=h0CQrL5nzwo ~~ 'Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of our Lives' ~~
/watch?v=wnlTYFKBg18 ~~ 'Cancer – The Forbidden Cures' ~~
/watch?v=gWLrfNJICeM ~~
Thanks for the enlightement! you truly are a youtube hero! Sauceonside!!!!
MSG makes bad food taste amazing, I think it's the bad food that's the
problem, MSG is harmless.
Everyday I continue to become more and more disgusted with the American
food industries. I have been for a long time. I've been looking more and
more into MSG's. All of the companies and scientists know that MSG is
dangerous and that it causes weight gain. They use it to fatten up mice!
It's even in TEA.
There is definite proof that glumatic acid in MSG is damaging! The toxicity
of man -made MSG are explained in Sweet Misery. Start watching at 34:00
into the film for more details regarding the effects on the brain as well
as the toxicity of MSG. /watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM Please consider getting the
excellent book by Dr. Russell Blaylock titled ’EXCITOTOXINS; The Taste That
Kills’ Amazon [dot] com/Excitotoxins-The-Taste-That-Kills/dp/0929173252
Please watch this video: /watch?v=tTSvlGniHok
msg and other e numbers have been sneaked into corporate food!
I did not realize that MSG was in so many foods until today. Since I quit
artificial sweeteners and most processed foods a couple months ago, my
epilepsy has significantly diminished. For some reason I thought MSG was
banned and illegal to put in foods, I don't know why I thought that. But
I'm angered thought that it's not! MSG = Monosodium Glutemate..duh! lol,
why didn't I notice that before???
Artificially produced, free-flowing, unbound glutamate present in MSG is a
neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are even better explained in
the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery', available on YouTube. Start watching at
34:00 into the film for more details regarding the effects of man-made MSG
on the brain as well as the toxicity of this chemical. /watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4
’EXCITOTOXINS; The Taste That Kills’ Amazon [dot]
"MSG can be used to reduce salt intake (sodium), which predisposes to
hypertension, heart diseases and stroke (Journal of Health Commun 2:
37–48)." Asian people eat so much MSG that they're the fattest people on
Earth. They're like lab animals, have no consciousness, have no discipline,
and can't make a choice on how much they eat. MSG was invented in Japan, I
heard they don't live very long because they eat MSG. They're the fattest
of all Asians. They are huge! I blame MSG for this obesity
Regardless of the credentials of the 700 Club or Pat Robertson, MSG is
still a neurotoxin! The dangers and toxicity of MSG are better explained in
the documentary 'Sweet Misery'. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for
more details regarding the effects on the brain as well as the toxicity of
MSG. watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4
I used to have pounding headaches after eating foods containing MSG. Ever
since avoiding MSG, I no longer have headaches! The dangers and toxicity of
MSG are even better explained in the aspartame film 'Sweet Misery',
available on YouTube. Start watching at 34:00 into the film for more
details regarding the effects of man-made MSG on the brain as well as the
toxicity of this chemical. /watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4 Please check the text
section for more links and websites with information about MSG.
I mean '' processed '' fodo you don't have to cook
Always read the label
Obesity my ass, more like impossible to gain weight
Ever seen pink slime, AKA "beef-like substances"? That's exactly what all
processed food reminds me of.