Strange Sounds Coming From 1 World Trade Center, And Elsewhere…

Ever since Hurricane Sandy people have been describing a chorus of wailing sounds coming from the new 1 World Trade Center Building. What is most likely wind…

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  1. Fox News also reported on this, it's just the wind! It's only heard on
    windy days, they said it in the news report. It's not ghosts, it's not the
    wails of people lost in 9/11….

  2. It's probably the architectural overflow of their sick fucked up love for
    dystopic "art." To be an extension of their personalities it must scare
    children. "Let's make a building, muah-hahh, that resonates a creepy sound
    throughout the motherfucking city muah-hahh." Who designed Gotham City? Was
    it, A) George Washington, B) Elizabeth Arden, C) The Makers of The Suicide
    Cape, or D) Rosa Parks

  3. They are all fucken fake except for the Strange Roaring Noise Phenomenon
    which has been hiding among the fakes. To my ch to learn more.

  4. its just the sound of a thousand bears shitting in the woods, nothing to
    worry about.

    unless you are standing down wind. might need to worry then.

  5. Most of those places have a train that runs through them. The sounds
    usually echo off mountains and or the air horn on the train is

  6. I would say they could all be a number of things:
    Wind between architecture
    Low flying aircraft on cloudy days
    Intense rays entering the atmosphere, creating "hums" with the wind


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