The unidentified remains of those killed at the World Trade Center were delivered to the WTC memorial site in a solemn procession on a foggy Saturday morning, accompanied by a police motorcade…
Figgots like JK, deadend, ouskie, fatalbreath, ladylardass, thrummerracist,
the hypocrite figgot stinkfinger (from fingering himself) and all of the
other tea bagging scum Puber trolls on here are where 'hot air' comes from,
though that's just the residual from the buttholes they've been sucking on.
Illegal wars, torture and false flag operations like 911 have hurt the USSA
reputation very badly in the eyes of the world.
False-Flag terror attacks (such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident and of
course September 11) are used to incite war, thereby fuelling the military
industrial complex and the moneymasters behind it.
911 was an inside job. Most people know this, as any small amount of
research can easily point out
Scalar microwave weapons and directed energy microwave weapons (HAARP)
vaporized the steel and concrete structures of twin towers to melt and turn
into ashes within minutes of its collapse on 9/11.
wtf? Why the fuck does this shit take 13 years? They took forever just to
start construction of the so called "freedom tower". This country should be
embarrassed for how unbelievably inept we can be
they did it so early in the morning they caught the protestors sleeping in.
Gross. Humans are fricken NUTS !!
Fu Bush/Cheney Regime…fu Obama Regime. Good will always win out..we might
lose a couple people but at the end of the day…you will lose big time!
Figgots like JK, deadend, ouskie, fatalbreath, ladylardass, thrummerracist,
the hypocrite figgot stinkfinger (from fingering himself) and all of the
other tea bagging scum Puber trolls on here are where 'hot air' comes from,
though that's just the residual from the buttholes they've been sucking on.
Illegal wars, torture and false flag operations like 911 have hurt the USSA
reputation very badly in the eyes of the world.
False-Flag terror attacks (such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident and of
course September 11) are used to incite war, thereby fuelling the military
industrial complex and the moneymasters behind it.
911 was an inside job. Most people know this, as any small amount of
research can easily point out
forget about 9 11 already it happened years ago .the us kills more people
around the world than any other country
Don't you think these people deserve to rest in peace now?
Osama Bin Laden was CIA.
The Bushes and Bin Ladens were business partners at the Carlyle Group.
YOUTUBE: The Iron Triangle – Carlyle Group
YOUTUBE: 9/11 Press for Truth
911 was a inside false flag operation job.
9/11 commission was a LIE and a COVER-UP!
YOUTUBE: 9/11: A Closer Look
YOUTUBE: Fabled Enemies 911
Scalar microwave weapons and directed energy microwave weapons (HAARP)
vaporized the steel and concrete structures of twin towers to melt and turn
into ashes within minutes of its collapse on 9/11.
YOUTUBE: Where did the towers go?
Good will always win over Evil..USA USA USA!!!! oooorah!!! God Bless
wtf? Why the fuck does this shit take 13 years? They took forever just to
start construction of the so called "freedom tower". This country should be
embarrassed for how unbelievably inept we can be
this looks like some kinda of ritual