One World Trade Center Spire Installed, Becomes Biggest Building In The West

One World Trade Center reaches new heights on Friday as the spire at the top of the building is put into place making the building 1776 feet tall- a referen…

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  1. Seeing these guys raising their arms in celebration at the end really brought this home for me. The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, was built by cheap migrant labor, mostly Indian and Pakistani. They were treated so poorly that on occasion there would be riots. These guys? Union labor, with fair wages and good benefits. I don't usually get too misty-eyed and patriotic, but – God Bless America.

  2. CN tower is the tallest free-standing tower in the west, not the tallest building. The CN tower is not considered a building b/c it does not have floors continuously from the ground level up. Next time check Wikipedia prior to making such a bold claim on the internet.

  3. IamDifferent1633 · Edit

    Ok…I need to clarify this as it's starting to piss me off. One World Trade is the biggest building in America and the biggest officer tower in the west. It, however is NOT the biggest building. The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada has it beat by 39 feet.

  4. just be happy New York has not only reclaimed our sskyline, but that we also rtained the title of tallest building in the west!

  5. That is so scary I'd be shitting myself all the way up there lol!
    Congrats to all the people who dedicated their hard work to make this happen! It's finally done, now hopefully I can visit New York I really want to see the memorial :')


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