One World Trade Center (Crowned) Nebuchadnezzar Image!

Daniel Chapter 3 Pastor Paul Begley reads scripture and explains the NWO and how it is tied to the New One World Trade Center http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.c…

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  1. Brother, I think he is referring to Adam Weishaupt's founding of the modern Bavarian illuminati on May 1, 1776. You are right that many researchers trace illuminism to far more ancient times – some to ancient Babylon or even to the Garden of Eden.

  2. I woke up today and s tarted praying to Jesus to help me get my faith back and hopefully my prayers will be answered. 

  3. The bride of Christ will not be defiled. Just as God kept the kings from defiling Sarah(Grace) Abraham's wife. We the bride of Christ will be kept(rapture) from being defiled by the kings of this earth (fallen angels/demons). Amen!

  4. Why is it that conspiracy nuts can't get anything right?
    1. One world trade center hasn't been finished yet. The final tip of the spire was delayed because of wind.
    2. May first has no significant to this even. I wasn't crowned on May 1st, and it wasn't even schedules to be that day. It was supposed to be april 29th.

    With these clear contradictions of facts with the words you spoke, I expected nothing less than a retraction of your statements and apology to any one you misinformed. thank you.

  5. Charles LaBounty · Edit

    I say I woke up because I was horribly backslid and not a very nice person to anyone if they would cross me. God revealed to me what the illuminati and their agenda was. At that point, I couldn't help but to go the other way and devote my life to Jesus. I just thought id share a little of my testimony.

  6. Charles LaBounty · Edit

    Pastor, the illuminati was formed well before 1776, in fact, they infaltrated the catholic church in its early years. Before I "woke up," I researched this satanic organization for three years day and night. I was completely obsessed with it. I woke up before I finished so I'm not sure the significants of that year other that the declearation of independance.

  7. He's coming for a pure bride
    See Him riding in the clouds
    See the FIRE inside His eyes
    Through the darkness HIS LIGHT will shine!! 😀

  8. did that Serco guy attack you, cause he attacks me all the time, Serco is Satanic, so be careful they run all the slave private prisons, Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for "Selling" Kids to Private Prisons, do you think they are connected to Serco

  9. DID you see this planned parent hood, what they are teaching to kids, warn people to get there kids

  10. Yes !! Pastor Paul , you are dead right America is falling away from it's long standing Christian beliefs , and rejecting God and his ways, As my country IRELAND is turning that way too. They are trying to pass a bill in the Irish law now, to allow abortion for suicidal mothers. What a LIE from Satan,that if this bill will be passed, and it's looking that way, that this will open the door for abortion in my country. Also I think they will soon make gay marriage legal here for the 1st time too 🙁

  11. why dont you watch my video`s about mystery babylon ,got 3 video`s about it . but hey america is a daughter for sure and so is the whole world. but i stick to my video`s and keep the good work Paul 🙂

  12. Did Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego ever campaign to oust Nebuchadnezzar's views, practices, even his (and his constituents) god(s)? Were they only noted for their personal discipline, keen sense, and faithfulness (even unto death) to their God? Is it true they were actually Nebuchadnezzar's aids? Help to that despotic potentate? Few western religious are that humble.

  13. Amos 5:25,26 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? 26But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
    this is the ZIONISTS that so many of you blindly follow.

  14. ACTS 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
    The star of David the zionists use is an abomination to God.

  15. jfkcomspiracyfact · Edit

    There is more power in preaching the truth of scripture in the face of persecution than there is in the persecution perpetrated upon the preachers

  16. Pastor Paul, radical Islam is incorrect statement, the "radicals"
    as they are called are actually doing with the Quran says to do. I hear Sean Hannity say the islamic religion has been "hijacked" by the radicals, wrong, they are doing exactly what the Quran commands them to do.


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