One World Trade Center construction update October 2013

The latest update from the World Trade Center site, showing continued work on the base of the building.

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  1. Who are we kidding, with this new building that they are building now at ground zero, as if it really is really a replacement of the Twin Towers! No building will ever be able to replace them! Only if you rebuild them where they belong!

  2. TheDieHardWWEAddict · Edit

    The new World Trade Center complex/buildings will look awesome when their finished in my opinion. People accept it rebuilding the twin towers would bring back bad memories of 9/11 for the victims who survived and the families who lost loved ones that day. I wished they built two towers of the same building as One World Trade Center instead of one but regardless I think the new set of buildings will be must see looking buildings when their finished. The new WTC is like a memorial too the towers

  3. A very beautiful building. But, it doesn't have the strong effect or appearance of the original twin towers of The WTC on the New York Skyline.


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