Official 9/11 Memorial Museum Tribute In Time-Lapse 2004-2014

A letter from the CEO & Founder of EarthCam: It’s been a heroic undertaking to rebuild downtown New York City after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Within days of this national tragedy,…

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37 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. so the american government killed 3000 american people to invade iraq and
    afganestan and things just went totally normal for you?! wow there's a lot
    of sheep here 

  2. Too bad we allowed fear to grip the country by allowing the government to
    spy on American citizens. This display is just a distraction that gives the
    population a false sense of freedom.

  3. Couldn't they have built a simple memorial park at that location and used
    all that money they spent to help people in the city instead? I'm sure
    there are many things in NYC that could benefit from that kind of money.
    Schools or homeless shelters?

  4. Watch our new 10 year time-lapse movie to commemorate the opening of the
    9/11 Memorial Museum. This time-lapse honors the victims of 9/11 and is
    dedicated to their families and friends, with special gratitude to the
    first responders and the steadfast construction teams. Watch progress from
    October 2004 to May 2014 and be sure to turn up the volume to enjoy the


    Thanks for the great video and horrible memories that come with it…
    It's beautiful what they have done but, when watching you can't help to
    think of the saddest day in Americas history..
    Everyone should ''like'' this,there should be zero thumbs down..smh

  6. Can we get over 9/11 already? Yeah, terrorists attacked America, okay can
    we move on? Innocent people are being killed by terrorists every day across
    the globe and no one gives a shit. America is actually helping the
    terrorists. When are we going to wake up?

  7. Wow some people in the comments make me sick, can't you take 2:39 to just
    show respect for the 3,000 people of ALL ethnicity and walks of life that
    died that day?

  8. These government funded projects always take the longest time. It took 3
    years to build a very small scale gov funded bridge. I know a buddy that
    has a construction company and he built a larger bridge in a month.

  9. Why cant people in the comment sections be positive for once in their
    lives. This is a serious video about a serious topic, and a bunch of
    ignorant shits are just commenting about totally irrelevant things and
    dissing America. Can you not.

  10. Oh look a bunch of disgusting comments on a video where a memorial is being
    built in remembrance of the almost 3000 people died there. The internet is
    such a classy place. 

    I believe a 9.30 second time in the 100m Olympic finals with Bolt winning
    of course is probable. Impossible? With the right conditions, a perfect
    start, and no false starts or injuries … who knows. All I know 9.58 it will
    never look that easy or boasty again! LOL. Let your boast be in Jesus only
    because He gives us what we need to be great for Him.

  12. Ten years and one million images later, Cury's team released a video on
    Thursday that shows a stunning time-lapse of the site's construction.


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