MSG on 60mintues (1991)

In 1991 60 minutes news show aired an episode concerning MSG (monosodium glutamate) .Some disguised names are… autolyzed yeast extract, hydrolyzed protein,…

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My mother was highly allergic to MSG. The Chinese restaurant that USED TO
BE IN BUSINESS down the street, was known for high usage of MSG. They had
aid calls to 911 several times per week for people having cardiac
issues relating to the MSG. The food was great, however, not good enough.
The reputation spread and killed the business. 
THE FDA is a farce. Food is created by nature and not in some chemical
lab. No wonder Americans are getting sicker and sicker every year. WAKE UP
PEOPLE! You are being poisoned by corrupt money hungry individuals and
corporations who will do anything for profit. You and I can put them out of
business tomorrow if we choose. Just don't buy their products and see how
quickly they change their ways.
Anna Janek's avatar

Anna Janek · 563 weeks ago

MSG - Making people sick year after year
DROPOUT2001's avatar

DROPOUT2001 · 563 weeks ago

Like aspartame, MSG is a proven excitotoxin. It's not whether you have an
allergic reaction to it, it's how much of a reaction you have, how much of
it you are eating in toto, what the cumulative effects are, and what drugs
you are taking to counteract the multitude of symptoms most doctors
think are caused by something else. Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto (GMO
pioneer) corporate lawyer might be more convincing here if he were to stir
a tablespoon of the stuff into a glass of water and drink it on camera. The
FDA is funded by the food and pharmaceutical industry, so don't look for
answers there. Nothing's changed? Actually a lot has changed. The processed
food industry is hiding more MSG in other ingredients (those cited in the
video and many, many more), and putting it in almost EVERYTHING, now. And
to handle the symptomatic increase in ADHD, doctors are prescribing
more and more SSRI drugs to younger and younger children. Since the
1980s incidents of deadly school violence, nearly unheard of before this
massive use of MSG, are way, way up. That's change you can believe in.
InvisiMan2006's avatar

InvisiMan2006 · 563 weeks ago

Most international food agencies have also given MSG the "safe" label. This
comes after decades of research. The fear-mongering of MSG is the same as
the fear-mongering of soy, gluten and salt....
drjhulkster's avatar

drjhulkster · 563 weeks ago

Yes msg is in thousands of products baby food Wonder why kids have cancer
Richard Brown's avatar

Richard Brown · 563 weeks ago

Have any doubt that glutamate is harmful and causes irreparable brain
damage especially in infants and seniors? Then read Dr. Russell Blaylock's
book titled "Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills". You will be 100%
convinced. There is also an amazing amount of information on the website
InvisiMan2006's avatar

InvisiMan2006 · 563 weeks ago

Terrible reporting. Now, 23 years after this aired, we are still finding
that MSG is safe. For those with sensitivities - stop eating so much
processed food! There's so much shit in processed food that any of the
dozens of ingredients in them could cause a reaction. Cook food for
yourself with whole, plant-based ingredients and if you have MSG every once
in awhile and don't have a sensitivity to it, then enjoy!
dave winship's avatar

dave winship · 563 weeks ago

eat foods with one ingredient
derpy hoovestwilight's avatar

derpy hoovestwilight · 563 weeks ago

yup o lot of things unlabled
And more than 20yrs later?? Nothings changed! lol Gotta love the FDA and
the tools that run that organization like every other government
organization these days. We need to really start some from of real revolt
in this country, how about we start by not paying taxes until we get
organizations in place that will actually do their job of looking out for
theskeptic2010's avatar

theskeptic2010 · 563 weeks ago

We don't eat processed ready made meals at our house. It takes more time
and work but we buy fresh ingredients and make our own meals and we season
them ourselves with natural east Indian spices that are good for helping
prevent cancer (tumeric, saffron, etc)
so is ist still in things now?
SouleDancer's avatar

SouleDancer · 563 weeks ago

More than ever.
Anthony Davanna's avatar

Anthony Davanna · 563 weeks ago

THAT RIGHT THERE IS REPORTING!!! He was grilling that FDA rep! they dont do
that anymore
TruthHurts315's avatar

TruthHurts315 · 563 weeks ago

@jptl2 It sure is. The list of ingredients that are the same or in the same
category are listed in the description.
ujhjjkk kjkjk's avatar

ujhjjkk kjkjk · 563 weeks ago

why do i feel that if theyd researched the pro research results youd find a
hidden agenda as in research brought to you and funded by people who will
make money from the pro results.?
theskeptic2010's avatar

theskeptic2010 · 563 weeks ago

MSG is still in most processed foods - Things haven't changed much since
this aired
ItOffishul's avatar

ItOffishul · 563 weeks ago

@jptl2 umm more than ever. also secretly in things under hydrolyzed yeast
protein etc

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