Live TV Footage Coverage of 9 11 Second Plane hit, Collapse of Towers) World Trade Center

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11[nb 1]) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by th…

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  1. @Marty McFly

    Obviously planes were there, that's not what has conspiracy theorists up in
    arms. What has them concerned is two planes shouldn't be able to take down
    two whole towers. Aviation experts even have admitted it. Also certain
    things didn't happen and some things weren't found that were supposed to be
    in a crash like that. 

  2. Pause your video player at 6:01 exactly, and 7:59 on the dot.. Look REAL
    CLOSELY at the exit point of the plane/explosion. Look REALLY hard… ask
    yourself what you see. And ask yourself how that is possible. Then after
    carefully examining those frames, look at the very last frames of impact.
    The close-up shots at the end. What is missing? What doesn't belong, and
    how did it get there? Remember what the front of a plane is made of, and
    keep in mind how the WTC were constructed and the materials that were used,
    and there placements. Now ask yourself again, HOW, did that get there. Now
    remember all these shots were given to major news outfits, BEFORE they were
    aired on national tv. Just examine for yourself, don't take it from me, and
    ask questions or give your input. Also examinine the belly of the plane in
    the early part of the video. Look at images of the exact plane that were
    said to have hit the buildings, most notably the belly, then again examine
    these vid shots of the belly of the plane. What does not belong. And when
    it impacts, BEFORE the fire ball, as soon as the plane hits and every frame
    one by one, look at the imprint the plane leaves on the face of the
    building. Tell me what made allvof those prints. Have fun. 


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