Ice shards falling from World Trade Center

Ice falls from Freedom Tower in NYC…. Website: Source credit: Daily Mail Reporter Dated: UPDATED: 17:23 EST, 9 February 2014 Photography cr…

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8 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Mohammed Mohammed parks his truck in front of WT 7? Hope they built it
    better this time and wonder why they would let Mohammed Mohammed park in

  2. This can be fixed or avoided two ways at least Pink.
    The relatively inexpensive temporary fix for winter months is to apply a
    water repellant nano coating (Google for Youtube videos about it).
    The second would be to apply a gold heating element network over the glass
    to prevent water freezing and turning into ice accumulations that then
    slide off.
    Gold would make the tower look better.

  3. Pink you okay, you sounded a little horse today… perhaps its all the news
    as of late other wise take care of yourself please… excuse me on this
    subject ice sickles have been around since the dawn of time especially for
    tall structures, also this is not a new problem they should have marked the
    areas off to public.

  4. I guess New York will pass a new law making it mandatory to purchase and
    deploy "ice shard resistant umbrellas." They would be available solely
    through Obamacare for a mere $459.00 increase to your current annual
    God Bless America.


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