See http://www.thenaturalguide.com/synthetic-food-msg.htm for more info. Based on Chapter 2 from The Beginners Guide to Natural Living by Larry Cook, host Zoe Simpson explains why to completely avoid all foods that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate).
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I just had lots of discussion about this. Many people say msg also occurs
in normal food, so its not a problem by itself. The only thing I have a
problem with it is the fact that food producers can make cheaper low
vitmine food that taste good, thats good for the producers, but not for you
@Rocky1990 Glutamate is an amino acid that occurs in all proteins. It
tastes good to us because our tongue is telling us that we are about to get
some protein. The MSG in yeast extract is the MSG naturally occurring in
yeast. Same with mushrooms, soy, fish and other high protein food. There
are 20 amino acids that make up protein. Glutamate is one of them.
Great video. I am a victim of MSG. I check now every thing in the shop if
it´s not contaminated with MSG and I will not eat in fast food restaurants
anymore! After having had a meal at a very known fast food chain I
experienced tremendous headaches and extreme loss of memory combines with
dizziness. I can´t afford to eat that shit anymore to stay effective in my
job. I wonder why no one sues them for what the food injures the people!!!
MSG is just ONE of MANY GLUTAMATES that are in our diet. Just do a search
on Glutamates…
unfortunately in my country MSG is allowed in Organic foods under YEAST
EXTRACT, it’s unbelievable.
@Ozzrya91 It isn’t about being “safe,” but rather, about being “safer.”
Many people, myself included, do not eat synthetic foods and instead eat
organic foods, eat less processed foods and more whole foods, take potent
supplements, shop at health food stores, detoxify on a regular basis, work
with a Naturopathic Doctor, visit a holistic dentist, drink purified
reverse osmosis water, exercise on a regular basis, and avoid harmful
cleaning agents. This lifestyle choice is called “natural living.”
not just Glutamate also Fluoride and Aspertame and asculfame, also Sodium
Sulfate in shampoo’s etc.
I hate how I’ve had these reactions to chinese food for years and not known
what was happening, same with the fluoridated water. I’m absolutely pissed.