Exclusive Tour of 1 World Trade Center Darryl Schick January 15, 2014 25252 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fconspiracytheorytruth.com%2Fexclusive-tour-of-1-world-trade-center%2FExclusive+Tour+of+1+World+Trade+Center2014-01-15+06%3A23%3A07Darryl+Schickhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.conspiracytheorytruth.com%2Fexclusive-tour-of-1-world-trade-center%2F It’s not finished, but we can give you a look inside. New York Magazine’s architecture critic, Justin Davidson, walks you through the nearly completed 1 Worl… (Visited 14 times, 1 visits today)
Chris Murphy January 15, 2014 at 6:24 am · Edit Justin says it's not the building that will define the city. Jury is still out on that! give it a chance, it's a great building. Reply
Justin says it's not the building that will define the city. Jury is still
out on that! give it a chance, it's a great building.