Eerie Sound Heard Coming From One World Trade Center

What’s behind strange whistling? Fox News: The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson…

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  1. The Paulstal Service · Edit

    Haha, so appropriate.. It’s probably the souls of any killed first
    responders from the Inside Job and the injustice.. getting ready to haunt
    Silverstein et. Al in the afterlife.. and the collective pain of the
    American peoples’ souls over the treason.

  2. Eerie sounds my ASS! It’s the wind blowing through the unfinished floors
    of the building. BOY I tell ya, they sure know how to make a story out of
    nothing in this country!! Figgers Fox news would run with it. If Joseph
    Goebbels were alive today he’d bow and tip his hat saying, “I bow to the
    masters.” LOL

  3. “Isn’t that cool?”… Really? What is wrong with this guy?
    It’s nature watching and wailing…. ready to haunt the perps of the inside

  4. Ya realize there is no way to bring down those 2 towers with the current
    technology in Controlled Demolition Methods. Nano thermite thermate…

    Just like man cannot recreate the Pyramids of Giza they cannot recreate how
    both Towers (Megalithic) structures collapsed.

    Directed Energy Weapons-
    Yeah yeah I know….Jokes about tinfoil hats black helicopters etc?
    Unfortunately it doesn’t make what i say less true. I don’t care how many
    PhDs and Degrees you have.

  5. Pulled these statements out of reverse speech in the video:
    “I’ve got some bourse around me fool. We’re going to suffer you with some
    nice shots here. Patrick is calling fine, our war shots of Judah are out.”

  6. there`s a saying: “what goes around, comes around”. maybe once the whole
    continental united states starts screaming for the death and destruction
    that this country has brought upon itself and others, maybe then people
    will start waking up?

    but then again, no, it won`t happen.

  7. Is this actually coming from the tower? It seems to be the same as all the
    other strange sounds recorded around the world the last couple of years,
    including New York.

  8. nothing supermatural here, but if there were, it must be the demons of hell
    cackling in delight in anticipation of the day when Barack Hussein Obama
    will be all theirs, for all eternity.


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