Dream:New World Trade Center falling

Acts 2:17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, an…

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  1. America is the new Babylon and the new tower is like the Tower of Babel.
    The rebuilt it to defy God. Obama put something on a beam on one of the
    floors that defied God as well. NYC will get by a huge tsunami and the
    tower will be wiped out. God hates arrogance and New York is full of it. We
    must pray for our enemies and their arrogance.

  2. amen similiar to rachel shariff dream the fall of america is coming with
    fierce judgement oh people please repent and wake up soon u tube will not
    be around thanks humble sister

  3. They will say with pride and arrogance: “ The bricks have fallen, but we
    will rebuild with cut stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will
    replace them with cedars.” Isaiah 9:9-10 GOD HATES THE PROUD, that
    abomination of a building represents the PRIDE OF THE ENEMY. Watch One
    World Freedom Tower Exposed: Crowning The Tyrant… Blessings from my
    family to yours in JESUS' name! Bro. Todd :)

  4. I could see this happening , because of thearrogance of their pride the
    Lord says I will show them who the almighty is. They have no fear..of
    God.. This is a serious warning to repent , yes I can see how this could
    happen. IN a 3 page word over 10 years ago one of his warnings or
    prophecies to me was they no ne fear I shall show them the fear of the Lord
    thy God! Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the whole thing came crashing
    down..God will not be mocked he will always get the last laugh..earth
    quakes can topple anything….guess we will see ..I pray America wakes up
    ..soon… she has drifted very far away amen

  5. The satanic elite use these things as sacrifices to Satan all the time. It
    has to do with their high 'holy' days. Blood sacrifice gives them more
    power to do what they want to do. Research it, there's plenty of examples.

  6. This is incredibly terrifying. Only an hour before I watched this, I was
    thinking about how the last time that my parents were in New York was on
    9/11. They will be chaperoning my high school's band/choir trip with me,
    and I wonder how that is going to affect them. Now that I have seen this,
    I hope and pray even more that God leads me or others to bring the other
    students to Christ especially if it happens while we are there in March.
    Because of the timing of my fear and you sharing this, I am really hoping
    that my thoughts about the trip aren't from God…

  7. I have had so many dreams from The Lord lately, warning dreams. Explosions,
    smelling smoke, hearing " tell them repent, repent the day of The Lord is
    at hand" thank you sister God bless you 🙂 Jesus is pouring his spirit upon
    his people right now. 

  8. Hi there!
    You may not be so good at Drawing, but you`re doing better then me xD
    Perhaps, what you saw could be symbolic?
    As in, not a physical building collapsing?
    It could resemble stockmarket collapse, for example?
    Besides that, even if it ever would, you would not suffer from it?
    i`m no expert though!
    Just sharing what comes to mind :)

  9. Thank you so much for your insight. I cant tell you how important it is to
    spread the Truth of God's pending judgment on this disgusting nation.
    For the cries of the unborn have reached God's throne pleading for His
    Divine Justice. Now you shall see earth changes like never before.

  10. Could the building be any thing similar to the train station clock tower at
    Sochi, where the Olympics are to be held, that there is a good chance, from
    what I heard, the Russian situation is they may be holding a 9/11 scenario
    of their own upon the olympic games, but that the tour de france is a
    likely idea why you would see the bicycles, as they are part of a
    competition, just a thought, God bless 🙂 The photo of your building looks
    a lot like the clock tower

  11. Well now "Kyaa Kitty", Y U B A poo-see ill ditto head 4 P-assed-oar P-aul
    Beg-ley? Wet-er (e)we get owe tore In-Diana, a me-sage does knot buck the
    tr-end if it re-squires an-ear-ly 4 thou-sand VI-Dios 2 ge-t-he point uv
    all A cross 2 at t Anne de hol-e Y scrible, a love-li boo-k uv f-el-owe-ers
    4 corn-hole-ers uv the world/word-el butt fear knot ass tis knot eye hu
    Juans to p-ack U sheet 4-2BYU gone ass-tray ash tray sig-AR-ette pen us
    ci-gn-at-u-re is re-queered sow NE hoo th'ink 2 Sea Inn 2 the Dark
    re-flect-ing watt-ers UV the "scribblers" on(e) shit paper ore de Papal
    Bull Queers, kn-own AZ "the Sisters" accordian 2 Morgue-Anne F-ream-Anne
    ch-ar-ac-turd "Red" scripted s-words in the "Shaw-sh-ank Red-EMP-t-ion"!
    Sow lil ill PG-ease, F U R St.ill re-aiding, ass-k U S-elf Y U were "Reamed
    a new one by your boss!" T'hen chic-Ken K-ing Ric-hard, Y due ewe goat ooh
    the story tube eye a "ream uv pay-per!" K-now these ARe q-west-sh-UNz
    kneading Anne Sirs butt eye f-ears knot AZ aye halve scene be-y-on-d
    tain-ment UV the smear-oar, witches Ben left right in front uv Y-oar
    behind! Butt fear knot 4 DARE HAZM@ ache cure 4 the scriptjury ewes have
    Je' sustained! Bee Shirley t'oops de m-U.S.turd ON ewe hot dog aft-er it
    goats in-2 the bun! Halve Anne ice daze pee-poles!

  12. crystal check out rabi jonathan cahn,s video the harbinger 2 its about the
    dream you and several others have had/its more of God,s judgement on the
    foundation of america…

  13. Can't recall exactly why now,but from near day one I felt really bad vibes
    about that building like they were gonna do somethin really bad to us with
    it n when they said somethin bout puttin the antenna on it the first thing
    that came to mind was them doing a spell from it.So I went n bought 2 big
    packages of those orange ear plugs lol.Silly huh.

  14. I was about 10 or 11 at the time. The night befor the first world trade
    center fell I seen it happen in my dream. I seen it from both planes and
    inside the buildings. Being that age I had no idea what this ment. I herd
    the screams remember the fear in peoples eyes and the look on their faces.
    It wqs the most horrific thing I have ever seen.I woke up went to school
    just like another school day. But a few hours before the planes went into
    the buildings my mind replayed the dream in my head.My 5th grade teacher
    asked me what's wrong?I said something very bad is about to happen in New
    York. After a little bit my fellow classmates parents started to get them
    from school around 10:30am EST time.I was about the 5th one that was pulled
    from school. We went to my friends/neighbors house and I seen the trade
    center go down.There I was again on the planes screaming to them get to
    safty.yet my screams were silent.my heart was racing my body qas in a
    sweat. It still haunts me to this day.

  15. I believe it could be the Russian tower. I know The Lord gave Paul begley a
    prophecy of 2014 that the winter Olympic will cause terror and fury. And
    then dabooh7 I think that's his username? Posted a vid of an illumanati
    card of a tower falling. It looks exactly like the Russian tower. Just a
    though I believe something will happen. Either way The Lord is pouring out
    his spirit on all flesh. Stay blessed sister !! 


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