MSG, Aspartame, Flavor Enhancers
Dr. Russell Blaylock – MSG, Aspartame, Flavor Enhancers – Talk, Lecture, Documentary – (Health Food)
Dr. Russell Blaylock speaks about MSG (Monosodium glutamate) and Aspartame and the dangers they have on human health, leading to an increase in degenerative diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, alzheimer’s, over recent years. He explains in detail how these flavour enhancers are included in almost all processed food (under many names), including products that claim to be a healthy option, such as sugar substitutes and diet beverages.
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This is very informative. I love it! I really need to watch what I’m eating.
This is a serious problem. Say no to additives!
Thanks for the advice.
217 views 10 likes and only 1 comment besides this one. I can’t believe ppl
aren’t screaming the roof down over this mass poisoning of innocent
humanbeings. The scum who produce these toxic concoctions need to be locked
up and the government agencies that are suppossedly paid to protect the
public from toxins such as these he speaks of also need to be dealt with
and severely. These bastards know full well what these poisons do to the
human body. Our prisons need to be filled with these criminals
I can’t say enough thank yous to Dr. Blaylock, and thank you too for
posting this video. I’m so overreactive to MSG that it’s life threatening,
and I wind up in the ER.
A healthy way of life does not mean that you have to take a conspiracy
theorist like Blaylock seriously. He sells a variety of weird supplements
through his own site, promoted by the holocaust denialists Rense and Jones
(among others). This man has zero credibility.
I keep trying to convince people of this but they say where’s the STUDIES??
Can anyone tell me please why there don’t seem to be any? My life is
completely changed since I got rid of these chemicals and my ‘lifelong’
illnesses have disappeared but I don’t know how to convince people! Why
don’t our doctors know??
No artificial sweeteners,MSG nor food preservers ! Simply look to flavored
sweetened yogurt and see the ingredients.thats why the diary products are
not safe especially for kids.
Get Blaylock’s book ‘excitotoxins’ he proves it all beyond a reasonable
doubt in that book. Doctors don’t know because most of the studies are
funded by corporate interests who have an interest in not letting people
know about MSG, and aspartame. All the so called studies that claim they
are ‘safe’ are funded by big pharma, because the same people who own big
pharma own a lot of the media and food corporations. There are many
studies, you just have to dig through disinformation and you find them
Go to Dr Blaylock’s website and read the paper he wrote called ‘the truth
behind the vaccine cover-up’, it will blow your mind!… This man is
brilliant! One of the greatest neurosurgeons to ever walk to earth, and he
is a true servant of God.
Филипе овај човек зна да шта прича али ти си досадио са том исхраном… :р
The best way to stop this atrocity is to demand betterf food and
dilligently work to avoid eating these things. When you hurt their bottom
line, they will listen. Not until then.
we all do because the fda are not
God dun did it good
Amazing work. What is funny is they are saying that Iron supplementation is
helpful for ADHD. However, if you listen to Dr. Blaylock is saying that
excess iron may increase free radical damage and thus damage the brain,
drain the energy, and make the mind more docile….If that is true, mission
accomplished for school teachers.
At the beginning of his speech, the scripture he quotes is actually from:
Matthew 12:34,35,37 and Luke 6:45. I like and want to believe this guy, but
if he couldn’t even get the proper location of scripture right on his
research notes, it makes me wonder about the rest. It’s not like he was
referencing it from off the top of his head. hmmmmm….
amazing presentation and information … people need to reset their taste
buds – go on a fast for 1 – 2 days and from then on -avoid extra tasty
foods – and ideally make your own whole foods!
The only way to protest this is read the ingredients of what u buy and
avoid buying it,as simple as that!!! Don’t trust FDA money matters most
than humans,that’s just diabolical !!!
then the next step is getting the idiot governments and doctors
to recognise it! has anyone tried suing over the damage? is the evidence
enough for that? not my preferred method, however money does seem to be the
only language they speak!
Thank you for bringing this truth to our awareness! You are truly brilliant
for stepping up. Much appreciation for your choice to do this.
This is shocking and informative, I am glad I watched! It is just another
proof that the government wants to to be sick! We need to realize that food
is the medicine! We need to change the way we eat! Thank you very much for
this post! God Bless
You can’t sue big pharma or certain other corporate interests, they are
protected.. They guarantee politicians jobs when they retire, so laws have
been written in that they can’t be sued, or extremely hard to sue.
Fucking FDA