The Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon, author and researcher Dr. Russell Blaylock, also known as the foremost authority on excitoxins such as MSG and asp…
For those of you who still think it’s a good idea to drink diet soda…
Give a listen to this interview of Dr. Russell Blaylock… He is one of the
brilliant guides of our time… of which we need more…
+As You Were Reading My Very Long Username I Stole Your Sandwich Not quite.
I’m pretty sure you can add spices, sauces, and others without GMOs or
chemical crap added to them and they still taste delicious Junk food
tastes horrid and lacks texture. Your taste buds change when you stop
eating synthetic ‘food.’
Show me any element that is not harmful if to much is taken in. Do those
concerned know that tomatoes are very good for us and yet have very high
natural msg content and there is no discernible difference betwean natural
and added.
Parmesan Cheese has ten times the natural MSG content as tomatoes generally.
I hope all those who make a big deal over MSG now deprive themselves of
such a delectable as Parmesan Cheese, LOL
you have to remember these corporations target (manipulate) people/kids and
are so good at their marketing that its just the norm these days. And if
you’re poor, you’re even worst off, because they can only afford cheap fast
food, and cheap grocercy food with all the chemicals/toxins. They can’t
afford to buy organic fruits/foods, or have water filters at home. They
have to get whats on sale. And yes, sometimes those chips just fit into
thei budget unfortunetly.
I didn’t know anything about MSG until a very popular food chain opened in
my city and rumors abounded that their secret was adding MSG to their food.
I was appalled and saddened when I researched the effects of MSG. Then I
started noticing that MSG is an ingredient in many cheap and popular foods,
like instant noodles and some condiments. I’m glad I’m now aware of the
dangers and will try to boycott these foods. I also watched v=R3m9mcmAH_o
for a similar perspective on this issue.
@KevinHarlan “**Caution: Those individuals currently taking anticoagulants
such as Coumadin (wayfarin) should consult with their personal physician
before taking supplemental vitamin K.”
i know msg gives me headaches… i used to get them very often, in the back
of my head on the left and right sides at the same time, as i became less
ignorant about this flavor enhancer i started cutting back on the products
that have it… i couldnt believe it but just about everything had it!
doritos, rice a roni, soups, the little frozen burritos, chicken nuggets,
and so much more, you gotta remember, autolyzed yeast extract is MSG also,
and that is in a lot of foods also… be careful ppl!!
Huge doses of MSG gives me a dry throat that always leads to a sore throat
and a month of misery. My advice don’t eat at Chinese restaurants! That
means something coming from a Chinese guy!!
Health Ranger your interview with famous neurosurgeon, author and
researcher Dr. Russell Blaylock is fascinating. I really admire you. Great
question on Glutamate & Glutamine!!!
Thank you both for helping us understand these important life-threatening
issues and exposing the tyrannical nature of these poisonings of humanity.
Could it be MSG fear was conjured up because Chinese food is a threat to
the western food establishment (McDonald, Wendy, etc)?
For those of you who still think it’s a good idea to drink diet soda…
Give a listen to this interview of Dr. Russell Blaylock… He is one of the
brilliant guides of our time… of which we need more…
+As You Were Reading My Very Long Username I Stole Your Sandwich Not quite.
Junk food
I’m pretty sure you can add spices, sauces, and others without GMOs or
chemical crap added to them and they still taste delicious
tastes horrid and lacks texture. Your taste buds change when you stop
eating synthetic ‘food.’
I am not sure if he was serious or not when he said chemtrails. If he was
serious than I’m seriously skeptical of everything in this video…
Yup look at these kids addicted to hot cheetos. They treat hot cheetos like
crack literally.
Show me any element that is not harmful if to much is taken in. Do those
concerned know that tomatoes are very good for us and yet have very high
natural msg content and there is no discernible difference betwean natural
and added.
Parmesan Cheese has ten times the natural MSG content as tomatoes generally.
I hope all those who make a big deal over MSG now deprive themselves of
such a delectable as Parmesan Cheese, LOL
This Blaylock guy is a quack. He claim’s nutritional yeast has MSG and is
neuro toxic. How absurd.
Very, very smart and informative.
Thank u for sharing, much luv and peace.
Blaylock is telling the truth, the criminals hate it lol Good interview,
thank you
Every food that tastes good is bad for you.
you have to remember these corporations target (manipulate) people/kids and
are so good at their marketing that its just the norm these days. And if
you’re poor, you’re even worst off, because they can only afford cheap fast
food, and cheap grocercy food with all the chemicals/toxins. They can’t
afford to buy organic fruits/foods, or have water filters at home. They
have to get whats on sale. And yes, sometimes those chips just fit into
thei budget unfortunetly.
Free glutamate content of foods (mg per 100g) roquefort cheese 1280
parmesan cheese 1200 soy sauce 1090 walnuts 658 fresh tomato juice 260
grape juice 258 peas 200 mushrooms 180 broccoli 176 tomatoes 140 mushrooms
140 oysters 137 corn 130 potatoes 102 chicken 44 mackerel 36 beef 33 eggs
23 human milk 22
Awesome video, thank you
awesome interview, great questions.
Blaylock rules! Mike Adams for Head of FDA Russell Blaylock for Surgeon
Is whey isolate MSG? You mentioned soy isolate. What of whey isolate?
Great last minute questions. Thank You
I didn’t know anything about MSG until a very popular food chain opened in
my city and rumors abounded that their secret was adding MSG to their food.
I was appalled and saddened when I researched the effects of MSG. Then I
started noticing that MSG is an ingredient in many cheap and popular foods,
like instant noodles and some condiments. I’m glad I’m now aware of the
dangers and will try to boycott these foods. I also watched v=R3m9mcmAH_o
for a similar perspective on this issue.
Excellent interview Mike
@KevinHarlan “**Caution: Those individuals currently taking anticoagulants
such as Coumadin (wayfarin) should consult with their personal physician
before taking supplemental vitamin K.”
4:08 How susceptible are the replicants? I’m a human. I’m primate-derived
LadyRanger Lands HERE!!!
i know msg gives me headaches… i used to get them very often, in the back
of my head on the left and right sides at the same time, as i became less
ignorant about this flavor enhancer i started cutting back on the products
that have it… i couldnt believe it but just about everything had it!
doritos, rice a roni, soups, the little frozen burritos, chicken nuggets,
and so much more, you gotta remember, autolyzed yeast extract is MSG also,
and that is in a lot of foods also… be careful ppl!!
Huge doses of MSG gives me a dry throat that always leads to a sore throat
and a month of misery. My advice don’t eat at Chinese restaurants! That
means something coming from a Chinese guy!!
Health Ranger your interview with famous neurosurgeon, author and
researcher Dr. Russell Blaylock is fascinating. I really admire you. Great
question on Glutamate & Glutamine!!!
Thank you both for helping us understand these important life-threatening
issues and exposing the tyrannical nature of these poisonings of humanity.