Category: UFO’s and Extraterrestrials

Are Extraterrestrials Actually Demons?

Are Extraterrestrials Actually Demons?Here are 10 reasons why they might just be? 1. The Extraterrestrials or aliens of our time match the demons and fallen angels mentioned in the Bible in terms of their behavior.  Taking frightened people in the middle of the night to do all kinds of reproductive experiments hardly seems benevolent. 2.…

ALIENS Are HELPING Us | Extraterrestrial Intelligence | NASA | UFO’s | HARRP

Government Cover Ups | Extraterrestrial Intelligence | NASA | UFO’ There is a high increase in advance technologies within our midst and the world governing bodies are still lip tight on these issues. Its doesn’t matter how they tried to explained it away, it still stare us in the face. Under 100 years ago, the…