Category: 9/11

Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11 – США боятся обнародования российских спутниковых фото трагедии 9/11 – Subscribe to PressResetEarth – Subscribe to PressResetUltimate –

World Trade Center 2006 World Trade Center 2006 movie World Trade Center 2006 full movie World Trade Center 2006 watch World Trade Center 2006 hd movie World Trade Center 2006 trailer World Trade Center 2006 HD Watch World Trade Center 2006

Na miejscu zniszczonych w wyniku zamachu z 11 września wież powstał budynek 1 World Trade Center. Dzieło Daniela Libeskinda, Davida Childsa i znanej amerykańskiej firmy architektonicznej ma przetrwać nawet potencjalny atak terrorystyczny. Wysokość biurowca wynosi 1776 stóp, co symbolicznie nawiązuje do daty ogłoszenia Deklaracji Niepodległości Stanów Zjednoczonych. Monumentalny drapacz chmur ma 105 pięter, a koszt…

Check out the must see footage of Bobby Hemmitt touring the streets of New York City only hours before the attacks of September 11, 2001. This video was made on October 3, 2001 and was the first interview or lecture he recorded on the subject after the event. Bobby talks about his experiences in New…

Many of you still need to snap out of it and come into reality. The powers that be and their media crime partners are working against you. Read on. Commercial planes cannot travel at the speeds recorded because the air is thicker at the sea level altitude zone. The turbine fans would nave been overwhelmed…

Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:21:10 pm on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other…

❤ Instagram, Twitter, We heart it : julee185 ❤ —————————————————————————– Mein Kanal : Letzter Vlog : __ Kamera : CanonEos600d Schneideprogramm : Final Cut Pro Thumbnails bearbeite ich mit : Mein Alter : 15 Jahre Name : Jule —————————————————————————— Ich hoffe sehr es hat euch gefallen & hoffentlich bis zum nächsten mal…

watch high quality download high quality Nathan Evans Video Animation is open source and will be used in Loose Change Final Cut

In March 2015, the 3WTC began rising again as new steel arrived and several cranes were put up. The tower should continue to progress slowly in the future and will shortly stand above the Plaza with the 1WTC and 4WTC. I would like to thank all the amazing photographers of skyscrapercity! Music: Colors by Tritonal