Spire hoisted at New York’s One World Trade Center

Manhattan’s new World Trade Center was crowned with a spire soon to be installed definitely. Get the latest headlines http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Subscribe t…

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24 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. That should be the last pice to install on this new tower so this way things will be back the way it was until it is all complete.

  2. That 9/11 talk is pathetic. Two big tasteless cheap architecture buildings were destroyed by terrorists or freedom fighters, some people died. The USA is killing and torturing people all the time, all around the world. The USA is today a bankrupt evil Empire, infrastructure falling into ruin. I would call the 9/11 attacks KARMA. The USA´s Empire´s golden age was during the 50´s – the 60´s and the 9/11 attacks started then a slow death struggle. Afghanistan is the place where empires go to die.

  3. And Piers Morgan represents the WHOLE of the United Kingdom, right? You know, there's a reason he lives in the USA, and it's because he was driven out of the UK….

  4. how many enemies is that now?

    N Korea
    any other mineral reserve bearing nation in the world

    and the UK, because Piers wants to ban semi automatics.

    did I miss any?

  5. They have enough limey problems with Piers Morgan, he is creating WW III between the UK and the USA ! Or maybe just a conformation why the USA split from the UK?


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