@control735 I agree that MSG is part of the responsibility for obesity.
Americans also eat about nine pounds of additives and preservatives each
year in their food. These chemicals react with the brain’s “shut off” or
“satisfaction” gauge. The shut off isn’t able to work. So, Americans eat
bigger and more often than other nations. We literally “can’t stop eating
take a look around, thats all it takes, obesity is sky rocket and the #1
food eaten is fast food, and there is MSG in almost every fast food meal,
so thats a good enough link that it’s unhealthy, not to mention the brain
damage it causes, just look at the entertainment(music,tv shows) we follow,
it’s garbage dumbed down shit! peoples brains are being killed so they
start thinking Lil Wayne is a great rapper and American Idol is a great
show. Its garbage! word
MSG is Slowly Poisoning America. It’s the most widely used flavor enhancer
in the world used in most processed foods, fast foods, Chinese food &
nearly all canned & frozen foods. Despite the scientific evidence making
this connection to pain, cancer patients are not being informed of this
risk & no work is being done by medical researchers to see if patients
improve on excitotoxin-free diets. Always read the labels to know what
you’re buying before you put in in your cart, or in your mouth.
The obvious reason they include it is because it is addictive and makes
food artificially taste better, in other words for profit, but it serves
more than one purpose. It also is obviously unhealthy, and who benefits
from more people being sick? Big Pharma companies, so this is also another
profit motive behind it. On top of that it dumbs down the population and
shortens their life span, which is basically eugenics.
@PdRo018 If pizza is made with good ingredients, yes — eat pizza. When you
check out the ingredients on the pizza, you will be shocked at there are so
many ingredients.
I once saw a food package that said No MSG!! in big letters but in the
ingredients there was mono-potassium glutamate. It’s not enough to just
watch for MSG.
@ShottyAtIlluminati that canisdormit is a real tool, I know the truth of
NWO, people like that are exactly who they need to make us all look like
we’re crazy, time is coming when dormit and all the other doubters will see
the face or faces behind the mask.
MSG is a mutagen. It’s in baby food, chips, vaccines and etc. Milk is bad
for you. It has rBGH1 in it. It’s a hormone that is banned in all
industrialized countries but the U.S. We are getting fatter and sicker
because of food additives.
@FortNikitaBullion You are absolutely correct. MSG is just one of the
words. There are at lease nine other names for MSG. When you get a bad rap
– – – many consumers know to watch out for MSG — Food Manufacturers change
MSG’s name. Check out my website to find out the other nine names.
There’s msg in almost every processed food. And it’s fucking hilarious that
now we’re living longer than ever in american history. Hmm, must be the
extra msg that’s giving us life. You go ahead and stop eating it, I’d
suggest you switch to koolaid, but I’m sure you already imbibe that daily,
or hourly.
@consceincePride – Actually, people in America are living MUCH longer
compared to 1800’s. You’re wrong on your first fact. And no, that’s not a
conspiracy — that’s actual science (please research).
and obesity is at an all time high, what’s your point?
@control735 I agree that MSG is part of the responsibility for obesity.
Americans also eat about nine pounds of additives and preservatives each
year in their food. These chemicals react with the brain’s “shut off” or
“satisfaction” gauge. The shut off isn’t able to work. So, Americans eat
bigger and more often than other nations. We literally “can’t stop eating
CHECK OUT: Yum Yum You are what you eat
What if you actually eat Vernon? Just kidding I agree 100%
@Slaterking2010 Yay! Keep up the good work.
The truth is comming out ‘NWO’ sorry i mean NOW.
She pronounced MSG perfectly fine.
take a look around, thats all it takes, obesity is sky rocket and the #1
food eaten is fast food, and there is MSG in almost every fast food meal,
so thats a good enough link that it’s unhealthy, not to mention the brain
damage it causes, just look at the entertainment(music,tv shows) we follow,
it’s garbage dumbed down shit! peoples brains are being killed so they
start thinking Lil Wayne is a great rapper and American Idol is a great
show. Its garbage! word
MSG is Slowly Poisoning America. It’s the most widely used flavor enhancer
in the world used in most processed foods, fast foods, Chinese food &
nearly all canned & frozen foods. Despite the scientific evidence making
this connection to pain, cancer patients are not being informed of this
risk & no work is being done by medical researchers to see if patients
improve on excitotoxin-free diets. Always read the labels to know what
you’re buying before you put in in your cart, or in your mouth.
The obvious reason they include it is because it is addictive and makes
food artificially taste better, in other words for profit, but it serves
more than one purpose. It also is obviously unhealthy, and who benefits
from more people being sick? Big Pharma companies, so this is also another
profit motive behind it. On top of that it dumbs down the population and
shortens their life span, which is basically eugenics.
@ninjacatmagic “S” is for steak. Eat organically grown steak.
I would avoid MSG, Aspartame, and fluoridated water/tooth paste.
@canisdormit There’s a difference between glutamate as it occurs in nature
and the free glutamate that is otherwise known as MSG.
wow. cheesy but good.
I was hoping “S” was for steak….
@PdRo018 If pizza is made with good ingredients, yes — eat pizza. When you
check out the ingredients on the pizza, you will be shocked at there are so
many ingredients.
more than 10grams per meal… if you know what gram is.
I once saw a food package that said No MSG!! in big letters but in the
ingredients there was mono-potassium glutamate. It’s not enough to just
watch for MSG.
@ShottyAtIlluminati that canisdormit is a real tool, I know the truth of
NWO, people like that are exactly who they need to make us all look like
we’re crazy, time is coming when dormit and all the other doubters will see
the face or faces behind the mask.
@VolcomStone128 God doesn’t exit for you. You are correct.
she consumed too much msg that’s why she’s clueless.
MSG is a mutagen. It’s in baby food, chips, vaccines and etc. Milk is bad
for you. It has rBGH1 in it. It’s a hormone that is banned in all
industrialized countries but the U.S. We are getting fatter and sicker
because of food additives.
@FortNikitaBullion You are absolutely correct. MSG is just one of the
words. There are at lease nine other names for MSG. When you get a bad rap
– – – many consumers know to watch out for MSG — Food Manufacturers change
MSG’s name. Check out my website to find out the other nine names.
There’s msg in almost every processed food. And it’s fucking hilarious that
now we’re living longer than ever in american history. Hmm, must be the
extra msg that’s giving us life. You go ahead and stop eating it, I’d
suggest you switch to koolaid, but I’m sure you already imbibe that daily,
or hourly.
@BIGBOSSandTHEDOLL well, so I’m a chemist and I can spell
hexamethylenediamine. Following your advice I can eat it, right?
Palin should keep her kids away from the computer…
@darthfener2 It is your health. You may eat anything you like. Believe me,
I won’t feel a thing.
Haha…. she said nuts.
very interesting presentation
@dianajorossano yar good work….. erm…. since then i changed.
@consceincePride – Actually, people in America are living MUCH longer
compared to 1800’s. You’re wrong on your first fact. And no, that’s not a
conspiracy — that’s actual science (please research).
my point is that you’re too stupid to even use the internet.
who’s Vernon?