Dangers of Aspartame & Sucralose (Nutrasweet & Splenda)

Abby Martin reports on the dangers of aspartame and sucralose for Media Roots. http://www.twitter.com/abbymartin.org http://www.mediaroots.org For a transcri…

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42 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. I can’t even believe they’re allowed to sell this poison. Hmm, don’t do
    drugs, eat aspartame, eat sucralose and drink alcohol :/ Seriously?

  2. What’s really unfortunate is that nowadays companies dont have to list
    aspartame as an ingredient anymore, it can be legally referred to as
    “artificial flavour” and a few other misnomers 

  3. People wondering why they getting sick and dying of all of these diseases
    like cancers, diabetes, heart diseases, etc., it’s the foods they eat
    without care. I see people all of the time just putting food in their
    carriages with no care whatsoever. 

  4. WE WANT TO PROTECT YOU!! Don’t eat aspartame or sucralose! Oh wait, theres
    more- buy stevia for only five easy payments of $19.99!!!!!!

  5. You lost all your credibility when you said “fell-uh-lawl-uh-neen.”

    Learn how to read before you make up fear-mongering, bullshit claims.

  6. I never had a problem with nutra-sweet, but, it almost killed my girlfriend
    by causing her blood to coagulate. She was in a wheel chair and went back
    east to say good-bye to relatives…then, started feeling better when she
    noticed she was feeling better. She came back to California, drank a Dr.
    Pepper with NutraSweet and immediately started feeling bad again. It was
    the NutraSweet.

  7. What else does ginseng…I mean Stevia does…Come on I know that out of
    the low calorie sweetener it is the safest but…An adaptogen it ain’t.

  8. @kathrynmarks In their natural form potatoes and tomatoes are both
    poisonous. They were bred into a different non-toxic plant over time. Wild
    carrots are disgusting. If you have a dog that too was modified from the
    original animal which would have been a wold. Arguing that man’s
    intervention makes something toxic is not a valid reason. I am bitterly
    opposed to aspartame due to valid studies. Same with high fructose corn

  9. @DexterHaven49 Hey, don’t laugh. it would help her next presentation. Along
    with less over-inflecting… I already stay away from those poisonous
    sweeteners. Sorry I ever drank Diet Snapple. Disappointed that Rush has one
    in Two if by Tea, his new product. Eric Holder should prosecute Don
    Rumsfeld. Since he’s only good for hack political charges anyway.

  10. beware of AGAVE: it’s not much better for you than high fructose corn
    syrup! Agave needs to be hydrolyzed so that the complex fructosans are
    “broken down” into fructose units or it won’t be sweet!! do the research
    for yourself! don’t be a sheople, buying into the latest healthy food
    trends! Stick with RAW honey or stevia =)

  11. wtf monsanto is behind aspartame too? those fuckers are already notorious
    for their vegetable cartel. nothing good comes out of that shit company

  12. Part of the de-population plan.Fat people go to dietsoda to loose weight
    and instead poison themselves.Keeps Big Pharma in profits… Ugly game.

  13. Many people complaining about the video mentioning stevia like they are
    promoting it or trying to sell it. It is just telling you about the most
    natural sweetener you can put in your body. Compared to all those
    artificial sweeteners, you have to be nuts to use them.

  14. Yeah, it’s kind of annoying. However, the information in the video is still
    helpful. A sister of a friend of mine has MS, and she used to drink diet
    sodas all the time.

  15. funny how i never even noticed it as a problem. her clothes isn’t the issue
    we’re dealing with here anyway so let it be. ur point is already taken for
    the value it’s worth. which doesn’t equal to much


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