Blender Demolition – Case Study: World Trade Center (Demo 3)

Demo video of the development of the Demolition feature for Blender 2.5x/2.6. The main purpose of this video is to prove the capabilities of my physics syst…

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  1. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!

  2. I'm rewatching the towers collapse and I didn't realize they did collapse
    just like this. Just the top floors start falling in and everything else

  3. So…? Did your physics simulation allow the building to collapse
    completely to the ground? I ask because you don't seem to show any
    destruction below the 70 floor on either building. Is this because the
    simulation did not pan out the way we saw the buildings collapse in the

  4. @albruy smith.
    It is my turn to get back on youtube and argue with you Tips. Care to go
    another round? I do enjoy dominating you on engineering and philosophical
    points. Just let me know. 

  5. I love how uncle toms say the darndest things- they believe that if they
    say something that against the US or Israel, they would not be targets. I
    have a secret to tell you so don't tell anyone…it doesn't matter what you
    say because to the born-Muslims, both converts and Kaffirs are not true
    muslims and are targets.
    Why would I want to believe a person who believes pedophilia and
    necrophilia as well of sex trafficking are justified in the name of Jihad.
    I love how Arabs claim that they owned Israel when as late as the 1900's,
    the territory was barely inhabited by anyone. The Ottomans promoted the
    sale of land to Jews so they could pay taxes and bring expertise to the
    Finally, I love how muslims openly condemned the 9/11 attcks, yet it is
    preached and secretly praised as one of the biggest defeats for the
    That's another thing, if we are 'infidels', are muslims are saracens?
    Why would I also listen to the same people who openly sided with the Nazis
    during WWII? They formed the vanguard of an SS unit entirely made up of
    muslims and arabs.

  6. Sure bro, every simulation, every time, every the same way. I'm not
    screaming conspiracy, I'm just saying I might never know the truth that

  7. the Army has been using remote control since the late 40's
    that is how JFK's older brother got killed in the Army…..experimenting
    with the early versions of remote flight.

  8. "We can't scale the towers down to working models that completely collapse
    through themselves from gravity"

    lmao….NO ONE can….it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!
    which is probably the REASON they REFUSE to validate, PEER REVIEW the

    "NIST is withholding 68,246 files. These records are currently exempt from
    disclosure. All input and results files of the ANSYS 16·story and the
    LS-DYNA 47-story global collapse model that were used to simulate
    sequential structural failures leading to collapse."

  9. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!

  10. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!

  11. You "hope". Seriously you just lost any kind of discussion. What the fuck
    does you "hope" hes not… blah blah blah even supposed to mean? I hope
    you're not a troll since you "hope hes not an engineer of any kind if hes
    claiming that the hijacked airliners were faked".

  12. Its a program called Blender 3D, its super fun to use and i would highly
    suggest you watch some tutorials as they may help you a lot when starting
    off. 🙂

  13. People dont know or just fail to mention the fireproof coating allover all
    the steel beams…That jet fuel went up in a flash..The place was demoed
    and sloppily so.Building 7 is the smoking gun.The cats atta the bag if you
    dare to look close enough!

  14. How much subterranean SFRM, drywall, core board, and ceiling tile did you
    see? Explosives in real C/Ds cause very little dust; the collapses do it,
    and ones starting ~1000' and 1200' in the air and involving huge floor
    areas in ~500,000 ton buildings produce a LOT of dust.

  15. We can't scale the towers down to working models that completely collapse
    through themselves from gravity, but we can fly and maneuver scaled down
    models of any plane against gravity and repeatedly smash into them.

  16. Having worked underground primarily as charge up crew. I have turned large
    volumes of rock into pebbles for years. I can say that there is always
    detonators and det cord leftover. Even huge underground Stope explosions
    leave evidence. Even so I have never over blasted any end or stope that it
    turned to dust. Even in a confined space there is not enough energy to
    destroy the evidence. If i drilled more holes and overcharged i could turn
    the hard underground rock to fine gravel. But dust?

  17. What a fucking waste of time. Hours of work to prove absolutely nothing
    lol. That model would fall with 1 support beam removed anywhere in the
    model. Someone is on his knees trying to suck himself a job inside the
    crooked government.


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