Strange haunting sound coming from “One World Trade Center 911

Its haunted ? Do you see the top of the trade center? Looks like a spiral that usually on Muslim mosques. hmmmm.

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  1. well what gives me the creeps is the sound but also the name of the
    building. Really, One World Trace Center??? For the new world order? what
    the ….

  2. God knocked down our idol we worshipped and then we rebuilt another that
    has a MUSLIM SPIRE topping it. It's evil and an insult to God. I predict
    something will happen to destroy it. Good riddance.

  3. Mmm idk the sound has more of a mechanical or intrumental sound to it than
    a supernatural sound. I remember my window would make the same noise with
    it a slit cracked open alil and wind chiming through would cause that exact
    scary sound


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