inside the world trade center documentary part 1

The Discovery Channel documentary: Inside The Twin Towers. This film re-creates the tragic events of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.

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  1. Someone told me that it was funny when they died. He said it was the funniest shit to happen and that people who cried about 9/11 are fags. He said he would urinate on their carcasses and shit in their mouths and that he believes in alah or whatever that shit is… :/ His phone number is 916- 877-1126. He lives in sacramento ca 95823 3319

  2. It’s been 12 years and nearly everyone I know is either sure that 9/11 was a setup or they have their serious suspicions. Building 7, the size of the hole in the pentagon… The implications of the situation are immensely, indescribably grave yet no one is willing to do anything about it. That makes us very sad and very angry.

    Not for profit
    It’s not about the money. It’s not even about the movie. It’s about sending a message.

  3. Small world, Im living in Sunderland now ha! From Liverpool originally though, which to any Americans reading is another city in the north of England and is where The Beatles came from, so they should prove there is more to England than London!

  4. We all know the USA is corrupt, however just because the USA has corrupt evil leaders and many evil ones does not mean muslims kill people in USA. The muslim leader “THE MEHDI” has arrived! Do not follow any other leader TRUST GOD AND HIS CHOSEN ONE “HE HAS ARRIVED” wwwSaviorOfMankindCOM … Before I became a muslim I remember my friends birthday on sept 11th and she had been molested by over 9 men in USA her parents drank alcohol and had many stories of evil to tell!

  5. You don't need to believe that jesus was the son of god cause he wasn't per se what he meant by he was the son of god because WE ALL ARE SONS OF GOD. Every being in this universe, his real name in the Galactic federation of light is Lord Sananda of a small circle of emissaries in the Office of Christ in the Ashtar command. Watch this if you wish to know more, Kryon is a Higher dimensional being of the 9th dimension channeled by Lee Caroll. 

  6. You already have ever lasting life. You don't need religion to live in peace and love in this life you already have it you are a piece of god. Every being in this universe is a piece of the bigger whole(God) he isn't human like and he is not judgemental like some christians will say. Heaven is in you, it is not a place you go to, and hell? It doesn't exist god is nothing but love pure love. He would not send you somewhere where you'd suffer for eternity that is not love.


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