Aired on September 3, 2006 on The Discovery Channel 2007. Inside The Twin Towers. This film re-creates a minute-by-minute account of what happened inside the…
To avoid deaths by panic if people are trying to get out all at once, and to keep the area surrounding the buildings free of masses of hysterical people, which would make it very hard for first responders to get through.
I assume you are talking about my brothers videos, I’ll make sure to tell him that next time I see him. What does age have to do with anything anyway though? I’m sure he has just as much insight on this as anyone else. So, as i said, please kill yourself, I don’t think I need to worry about you having children though.
I was crying after watching that but those mother fucks think they can kill thousands of inks ant people RIP. Too everyone and I and so very sorry for your loss
Gone but never forgotten. To the brave souls who perished, RIP. 9/11/01
Well he did! What a boss!
The crazy world we live in. RIP to everyone lost on that day
How could people survive that
What a horrible thing to make. Soap Opera?
no wayb that one guy dived under his desk and survived theres just no way
Lots Of Souls Were Lost, But America's Souls Will Live On Forever.
496 people are terrorists
To avoid deaths by panic if people are trying to get out all at once, and to keep the area surrounding the buildings free of masses of hysterical people, which would make it very hard for first responders to get through.
Or the cleverest, if their intentions were evil.
What ever reason it was the stupidest thing ever to do.
I assume you are talking about my brothers videos, I’ll make sure to tell him that next time I see him. What does age have to do with anything anyway though? I’m sure he has just as much insight on this as anyone else. So, as i said, please kill yourself, I don’t think I need to worry about you having children though.
Possibly, to increase the death toll and thus the impact of the event.
24:00 The people who told them to stay, why!?
Israel was our Ally you retard. it was the Iraq terrorist team Al qaeda
What idiots that told them to stay in the building!!! WTF!!!
Bush did it.
let the hate mail begin!
Israel did it! Wake up sheep
Usa #1
I hate terrorism!
i cant watch this. fuck whoever made this happen.
that is realy sad
You can thank the USA Gov. for this tragedy.
im so sad right now omg….screw alkaida
Food creamy food moon moon
I have no words
Sorry trying to do voice search butnso sad
oh my gosh
NOO WHY mother fucking terrorists
i didnt understand you
Those snackbaring killers will never be able to top 9/11.
I was crying after watching that but those mother fucks think they can kill thousands of inks ant people RIP. Too everyone and I and so very sorry for your loss