One World Trade Center construction time-lapse video

From 2004-2012, took images every 15 minutes to create a time-lapse video of the construction of One World Trade Center. The building is now ove…

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  1. *sigh*

    Regardless of what they call these buildings, I'm just glad they're building them… they look nice, they look like a small futuristic city… especially looking at the completed concept art… it'll look really nice when completed… reminds me of a cityscape right out of Star Trek to be honest.

  2. yes but…(and heres the trap you placed on offence intended…)…by your arqument then Perl Harbour should changed to "harbour of the perl" or someother name as to not be condesceding to the families…its all vale sematics to make the irration sound rational…"its a trap".

  3. How can 9/11 itself be considered condescending, it's just a date… what's being memorialized is the loss of life on 9/11 of 2001…

    You're failing to see the difference between a memorial and replacing the buildings as they were as if nothing ever happened… we don't forget about the attack on Pearl Harbor, and pretend like it never happened, etc.

  4. in that case…then 9/11 itself could be condesceding to the families…yet we "including families" are constantly told and sold "we must never forget" the event which im sure is defined as beyond any stretch of condescension by the families…

  5. im just saying…then why not WTC1…just very convienent..doesnt nessesarily mean its intensionally sinister…but hell..why not if the shoe fits lol…

  6. Well, I'm not going to be paranoid and assume the buildings were named with that in mind… the original 2 towers were named WTC1 and WTC2, so they just switched it around to say 1WTC…


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