(2013) The Demolition of the WTC Towers – what was used?

New 2013 HQ footage of Military planes used on 9/11, commercial planes debunked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHHghW4Pg5k The video was made by me, contain…

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  1. its a chess game played by the gov because there was 2.3 trillion missing from the pentagon before 9/11 the plane hit the pentagon directly at the budget keepers offices which killed the ppl that will investigate about that 2.3trillion , and I guess the world trading center was hit as an extraction and I now for a fact that the us forces could of dropped it before it hits.

  2. I know more about physics than you do and I also handle high explosives. I think that YOU need to go back to school and also get some good mental health counseling so that you can come back to reality sometime. It would be difficult,but difficult things are rewarding and your friends and family would be very happy with your ability to think rationally and come to logical conclusions.

  3. Only a moron accepts the bull-shit lie the government wants you to believe wake up before you become a casualty of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

  4. So you're a structural engineer with a doctorate and PE certification? Ask Box Boy and his "experts" to show you on video with audio how explosives or incendiaries secretly cut the 4.91" flanges, 3.07" webs, and 215 sq in cross sections of W14 X 730 columns like the 11 of 24 in WTC 7's core, and the 4 corner columns in each tower's core:
    If they ever HAD TO do it, this "debate" would be OVER.

  5. Yeah; the NIST SEs with doctorates and PEs really need you to explain physics to them. Since you believe in secret C/Ds of occupied Manhattan hi-rises, ask Box Boy and his "experts" to show you on video with audio how explosives or incendiaries secretly cut the 4.91" flanges, 3.07" webs, and 215 sq in cross sections of W14 X 730 columns like the 11 of 24 in WTC 7's core, and the 4 corner columns in each tower's core:
    If they ever HAD TO do it, this "debate" would be OVER.

  6. BTW: when I said I read NIST's report, I meant I had been to the NIST.gov site, often enough to learn that what they were selling was a load of bunk.
    Why do you want to continue on that dead end? Once you get to the end, you are left walking in circles, as you do here.

  7. Lol, someone that believes the skyscrapers collapsed from fire is talking about physics, keep it up sheeple, you keep me going.

  8. Since you ban anyone who doesn't drink 9/11 "truth" industry Kool-Aid from commenting on your YouTube videos, your credibility is zero. You don't get the truth by censoring it.

  9. The fake planted CIA plane video, known as the Ghost plane is a complete hoax. It is a non starter for analyzing the 2cnd strike.
    They want you looking at it because it is completely fabricated.
    Figure it out.
    No other plane looks like that one.
    What ever hit that building went all the way through it, you can see it come out the other side . The nose comes out the other side and explodes.
    New Investigation Now!
    Come to NYC this Sept.
    Bring your stuff with you.
    My hard drives will come.

  10. Susan Lindauer is not a former CIA asset, she is controlled opposition, once your in, you stay in, they don't let you go around outing them on everything. Do not trust her, period. Barry Jennings is Lying his ass off, period. I have video showing building 7 completely intact and not on fire after the South tower collapse. A secret service officer says the building has been cleared. All the damage was done during the North Tower Collapse and during the afternoon. Avoid the Infiltrators and plants

  11. ReThink9/11. org a global campaign to get 9/11 Re-Investigated, ReThink 9/11. org supported by 22,000 strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Support them & put pressure on media & Politicians Get 9/11 Re-Investigated. Also see: 9/11 Conspiracy Solved; 9/11 Core of Corruption; 9/11 Biggest Gold Heist in History; 9/11 Painful Deceptions(full); 9/11 The Myth & the Reality; Loose Change; 9/11 Experts Speak Out; When False Flags Don't Fly; The Oil Factor; Hard 9/11 Truth-Conspiracy of Money

  12. You make a claim it was investigated by those who "did it" Who did it? Where's the evidence "they" did it? A vague statement like that with absolutely no evidence attached but your opinion.

  13. Uhm. DUH. Heat, as well as FIRE, rises.
    Gee, that proves everything, then.
    Everyone can now forget about researching this as you know what did it. It was fire from kerosene brought in by a couple of planes. And it must have spewed out onto the other buildings that were also destoryed, as well as every car (partially and fully) destroyed – without fire.
    Dude, do the world a favor. Take just ONE physics class. Otherwise, you really come off as dumb.

  14. How do you know what NIST's job was when I had to explain to you what NCSTAR 1 is? Both WTCs 4 and 6 were damaged by falling tower debris and fires, and were later demolished the rest of the way by non-explosive means. It was not NIST's job to do
    forensic structural engineering investigations on them, but on-site PANYNJ and other SEs did. Shanksville was fully investigated by the NTSB, United Airlines, and the FBI.
    Since you're not an SE and haven't read the reports, your opinion's worth little

  15. Aw– whassamatter baby, did I out you? Are you all upset that you cannot use all of your channels to bother people on this one comment-section, AL?

    You show me how ANY steel, aluminum, and concrete tower (of ANY size) was pulverized by FIRE, in less than two hours, and I will re-think my position.
    As it is, I am a fan of physics and I think you= need to go back to SCHOOL. Learn something and don't be a smartass, okay?
    The fighting for and against PLANES is preventing people THINKING- incl YOU

  16. Notice in the controlled demolition how the fire bombs were set off ABOVE the explosives used to bring the building down. Any study of the WTC footage will not show that because it didn't happen. The towers collapsed at the point of the fire,you know where the planes that everybody saw slam in to the buildings were.

  17. Yes,of course fires started by jet fuel from planes didn't cause the steel supporting the buildings to weaken and fail. Wherew do wingnuts like you come from? Were you grown on a special farm and bred to fact resistant?

  18. Sorry to tell you,but it was terrorists that brought it down. Now of course you’re going to try to tell me that fire can’t weaken steel or some such shit as that,right? Well,sorry to tell you that fire can indeed weaken steel,how do you think that farriers make a living?
    Come back to reality dude,it misses you.

  19. Like I said, we ALL need to ignore the planes/no-planes theories. No matter what, planes taking them down would be impossible, and I think they (whether there or not) are only placed there to distract people and get them arguing about what really DID happen.
    Yes, that this took us into Iraq and into Afghanistan and gave us a word: terrorist, which would take us into MANY MORE WARS, for we all know WHO, is despicable.
    Bush, Cheney, and now Obama are ALL war-criminals.

  20. Please urge Box Boy* and his "experts" to show you on video with audio how explosives or incendiaries secretly cut the 4.91" flanges, 3.07" webs, and 215 sq in cross sections of W14 X 730 columns like the 11 of 24 in WTC 7's core, and the 4 corner columns in each tower's core:
    If they ever HAD TO do it, this "debate" would be OVER.

    *Box Boy's ONLY "research":

  21. ANY agency that failed to research ALL of the disappeared and.or majorly damaged buildings has not done their job. Why did NIST not research Shanksville? Why did NIST ignore bldg 7, as well as bldgs 4 and 6?
    Why don't you just look up building six, okay? You tell ME what did that sort of damage, okay?
    Or, is that above your paygrade?

  22. I read enough to see they were wrong. Even they had to come back and say they were wrong, at least in part, and that the government had them research (hahaha) the plane theory and fire theory (HA- the GOVT??) does not give them any more importance or intelligence.
    I've been researching what looked like an impossibility for over a decade. NIST is GARBAGE and people who believe NIST are none to bright!!

  23. I know that a plane can't take down a building. The point is that it had nothing to do with Iraq but they still blame it on them just to go to war. By the way after some research, there were no planes crashing into WTC or anywhere else.

  24. I think it is this Albury Smith who's pushing NIST's garbage theories.
    I hate that these fools work so hard to make comments spam, when they are not, and particularly when the comments belong to the UPLOADERS.
    I think you may want to change comment-voting so they cannot continue this stupidity. And, just maybe, consider blocking this Albury Smith as he is monitoring comments on this very video-page.
    (He sent me a stupid response last night- I JUST responded, he was here to respond IMMEDIATELY)

  25. Yes, the agency that actually researched the WTC collapses and wrote lengthy technical reports on them. If you've never read them, how do you know they're wrong?

  26. WHO CARES what the planes were? NO planes, ever, would take down the towers within an hour or so. No planes hit the other buildings, yet they came down, too.
    Planes were there as a distracionary sort of "cause". But, anyone who has even a slight grasp of physics and fire comprehends that NIST's theory is BUNK.


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