Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 – Korean Cathy Buxton July 29, 2013 13491 이것은 AE911 진실 모임이 새내기들을 위해 전문적으로 만든 WTC7를 [세계 무역 센터 빌딩 7] 다루는 15분 길이의 9/11기록 영화입니다. 자유 저작권입니다. 부디 건축가들과 공학자들을 포함해 폭넓게 알려 주십시오. (Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)
draingone July 29, 2013 at 5:45 pm · Edit Man arrest d crooks we already kno by da time dis long over due investigation takes place dey could b n space wit a laser beam pointed at earth like.da movie Elysium kummin 2 a theatre near u Reply
Man arrest d crooks we already kno by da time dis long over due investigation takes place dey could b n space wit a laser beam pointed at earth like.da movie Elysium kummin 2 a theatre near u