Quick Look at One World Trade Center / Freedom Tower 6/22/2013 construction progress

I am late posting this but I have been making a lot of videos lately and doing a lot of editing. While I was out in New York City enjoying the day riding aro…

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  1. I have a few more quick looks to post. More progress is being made and as far as I know 5 WTC is not cancelled but still on hold.

  2. There are a few factors. I usually make a bunch of different videos then when I edit them all together my editing system takes a very long time to put the video togeather. :/ Then once I have a new set of videos I post them all at once. I try to be quick but sometimes I might be busy with other things as well.

  3. For now I believe that it's simply there for the construction but will be finished off soon when it wraps up. I will need to look at that again.

  4. charles kelvie Suiza · Edit

    Can you give me any update (a video update) on the Freedom Tower like if there is any changes on the site, did they made some progress on Tower 3, I hope Tower 2 and Tower 5 doesn't get cancelled

  5. Coincidental =] When I was in NYC back in August of 2012.. I was right there on that VERY pier =]. I remember observing the unfinished business for minutes. =] I can't wait to move to the city in October.

  6. its possible maybe once is all filled in they can hang a huge one from the ridges above where the glass starts who knows well see soon

  7. 1. That's just a platform for workers to stand on. 2. The original World Trade Center had automated window washing. 3. Why is a machine doing tedious work a bad thing? It's a dangerous job so having machines do it is a good thing. Idiot.

  8. Do you know what's happening with the glass on the side that you were on and the temporary elevator the glass is like different tint then the all the other glass?


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