Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center Researchers at Purdue University have created a simulation that uses scientific principles to study in detail wh…

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  1. yippee. i wanna do again so that i can get one more ipad :P. its not a joke, give ur delivery addr with phone number to make sure you get it. its worth a try here :

  2. WhispersInTheDarkCnR · Edit

    im excited. my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of me. just listen for now, never forget to fill with your mail id and ph number. dont run away have a try now =>

  3. im excited. my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of me. just listen for now, never forget to fill with your mail id and ph number. dont run away have a try now =>

  4. bernie carpstinkenso · Edit

    watch?v=QrT6joi4gco = PSA Flight 1771


    "PSA Flight 1771: Eerily similar to Shanksville ft.93 has been removed —


    "trutherts" filed a …" The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement.

    they got this video of Facts and Truth removed,,, "truthers" have

    a Jihad against Truthful Information because it proves they are

    a Radical Cult…

  5. I just love the way you Truth Dorks try to explain away the whole AL jet versus FE building problem.
    You Nutters can't even get ONE step beyond Truther Incredulity!
    Are you Truthers really THAT dumb?
    The Purdue Guys who made this clip, are the same Guys who breezed thru math and chem and physics and engineering classes.
    Remember the Nerd Science Major Guys who didn't even need to study…and still made A's, while all you Art History Truther types were dropping and failing.

  6. Try swapping the steel beams for aluminium airplane wings, and the airplane wings for a steel beam. It doesn't matter which one's travelling at 500mph. We all know which one shears first you fucking morons.

  7. In 1919, the Boston Molasses disaster snapped Steel supports for the
    overhead railroads, or in the 2000s, you can see the asian Tsunamis
    snap steel buildings right off their foundations. It's the weight and mass,
    and the speed at which that mass is impacted. If water and molasses
    can snap steel, I suspect 200 tons of airliner at 500 mph can.
    Go Figure

  8. it's not a presumption, it's FEA physics. MIT figured that out in a couple days.
    T. WIERZBICKI and X. TENG, "How the airplane wing cut
    through the exterior columns of the World Trade Center",
    MIT Impact and Crashworthiness Lab Report #75, March 2002.

  9. This simulation relies on SCIENCE.
    All you present here is an ignorant incredulity.
    If Purdue got it wrong…PROVE IT.
    How long should that take?

  10. This simulation relies on the presumption that an aluminum tube with a 1mm thick aluminum skin is able to easily slice its way through 20mm thick steel girders one after another with relative ease. In any case the properties of steel are well known. It bends under impact or a load, It does not snap like a twig as shown in the video.

  11. The pancake theory was part of the Official Story, the US Govt. tried to sell to the American public and the world. Your assumption that "something like 90% of Americans have little to[sic] scientific or mathematical education", has little if nothing to do with whether or not they believed what they were told.

  12. This explains why Purdue didn't make the list of Aeronautical Universities, period! Aeronautical Universities don't pretend to know structural engineering. How about Purdue not pretend to know aircraft; especially acft accidents. You really look like fools and so does your Alma Mater.

  13. americawhereareyou · Edit

    w w w. rcac. / news / news_wtc. cfm
    HA ha ha noooooo AL… Ha ha ha AL Bundy… we actually read through the papers… it was a nice attempt… but not 100% accurate to what happened in the real world…

  14. Knarph from Holland ‏@KNARPHNL
    @fagitabowdit #WTC7
    I'm just a simple guy from Holland.but if I where you, I'd worry about how your Rep.Party leaders can confess without creating a civil war.

  15. Holy crap…you 911 Freaks are just freakin scary. Too many of you are wrapped way too tight around this fantasy. I just worry about young kids being bombarded by this absurd 911 CT rubbish. Youngsters are so impressionable, and will too readily accept whatever adults say.
    I see more McVeigh/Koresh/Loughner types being spawned from this CT crap.
    Are you CTards ever going to get beyond YT CT circlejerking?
    You Truthers are to 9/11 what NAMBLA is to a Cub Scout Troop.
    Pathetic Freaks


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