9 11 Inside the World Trade Center Rare and Graphic Footage

Never forget 9/11! Super rare and upclose graphic footage of the WTC 2977 fatalities included the following: 246 aboard the four hijacked planes. Including …

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19 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. you should have been more concerned with helping people get to safety and
    making sure they were okay during this even rather than video taping it!!!
    You sould be ashamed.

  2. the sad thing is firefighters have to risk their lives going up the tower,
    brave men. i would nvr do that, anytime that building would collapse n im

  3. I was just thinking of the very odd juxtapositioning of the cheesy elevator
    music in the background and the tragic scene unfolding. Kind of creepy if
    you ask me.

  4. its billy joel.. always a woman. and bee gees.. and 9/11 was done by
    Elites.. to change America. to bring in a New World Order.. to Change
    Everything.. and Im So Sorry for the Young Kids that came up after that..
    it was meant to take our Freedom.. make us All Terrorists in Govts eyes….
    We All Need to Research and Wake up….. they Are Taking America Away!…

  5. Watching that man try to hang on to the tower was heart-breaking. It was
    just so hopeless and yet it was probably for the best.


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