Nice old video. A lot has changed on Jekyll since this was shot. The old lift bridge is gone, replaced by a new fixed span. The Courtyard at Crane has a new fountain, and a lush lawn in the middle – and is still a nice place for lunch. The Morgan Tennis center has been remodeled for receptions and conferences. The whole island is undergoing a makeover, with new hotels and a new convention center. It really is entering a renaissance period.
Nice old video. A lot has changed on Jekyll since this was shot. The old lift bridge is gone, replaced by a new fixed span. The Courtyard at Crane has a new fountain, and a lush lawn in the middle – and is still a nice place for lunch. The Morgan Tennis center has been remodeled for receptions and conferences. The whole island is undergoing a makeover, with new hotels and a new convention center. It really is entering a renaissance period.
Het is maar goed dat hij een cameraploeg had meegenomen.
Ja bedankt toch weer wat te zien, mis het ook nu op tv, geen reis programma kan er aan tippen, jammer dat er steeds in geknipt is;
wat mis ik die man op tv
programma's met inhoud
thnx dennis
bedankt voor het uploaden