Transhumanism Escaping God’s Judgement

Everyone wishes they were healthier in one way or another. Most would like to stop or slow-down the aging process. Many would like to see an end to cancers and diseases. Many even dream of immortality. But how far are you willing to go to achieve such a feat?

Many understand you can become healthier and live longer through taking care of your body and eating the right foods. Preferrably Organic, no GMO’s. People also realize that they can reverse damage done on the cellular level by taking in foods that contain anti-oxidants such as Resveratrol, which can be found in grapes and some exotic berries. So through eating healthy and organically and taking care of the body we can live long healthy lives.

But what about the whole immortality thing? Scientists are trying to come up with ways we can literally live forever. The DoD (Dept. Of Defense) is going as far as seeking out technology and drugs to create “Super Soldiers” that can run for 168hours (7 full days) without any sleep. Scientists say that with the technological advances we could see this become a reality within the next 10yrs (that would be by the year 2021). The suggestion is being made that humans will literally be able to re-grow lost parts or replace bad organs as necessary. Thats right, we will be able to regenerate ourselves. If it comes to a point where our bodies can’t handle the stress, no worry. Mechanical replacements.

There is already work being done to literally transfer the human consciousness into a robotic body. It is being suggested that humans will have the option to be cyborgs (half-human and half-machine) by replacing parts with mechanical equivalents or implanting mechanical technology into the body. They say one problem they are seeing is that they will need donors. But not to worry because the first people “downloaded” will most likely be in artificial bodies. These scientists seem to feel they are creating a better and invincible species of human.

Whatever happened to God? Did He not promise us eternal life; you know, immortality? The thing is, us Israelites (Children of God (Christians, Jews)), are not of this world. We were told not be concerned with things of this world. We are to live by the Commandments, and upon Judgement we will return home. It is all in the Holy Bible. So if Israelites are not to be concerned with worldly things, why would we want immortality in the physical world? The answer is simple, we don’t.

These scientists who are working on making this new species of human to achieve immortality in the physical world are simply not Israelites. They are spawns of Satan. They are trying to act as if they are God Himself. They feel if they can achieve immortality they can escape God’s judgement and avoid eternal damnation.

They may be able to achieve such technology and feel as though they have won. But what they fail to realize is that everything is happening as it has been written. They cannot avoid judgement and they will not avoid damnation. The only way to achieve immortality and avoid damnation is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. The Jesus Christ of the Bible, Son of God. Not the Jesus Christ of these false religions or mainstream society.

Whereas immortality in this life might look like a good idea, I’d rather stick to the certainty of the promise made us by God. I also don’t really like the idea of being “downloaded”. Im a creature created by God, why would I want to downgrade myself to a creation of man?

I understand this sounds sci-fi to you. As a matter of fact numerous tv shows and movies have made this a theme. Such tv shows and movies include ‘Universal Soldier’ and ‘Sliders’. But this is not coming out of a script for a show or movie. This information I set before you comes from real news. Actual scientists. Yesterdays science-fiction is todays science-fact.


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