The Federal Reserve Deception

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  1. Watch “The Secret of OZ” by Bill Still for more detail of how banks have
    taken control of the national money supplies of the world nations. This
    video will show you how bankers have used their power to destroy nations in
    order to control their money. Many well known figures in history
    understood this problem and have fought against this system because banks
    are stealing the wealth that belongs to the people this way. Watch it….

  2. *The Federal Reserve Deception*
    Please watch this film.
    G. Edwart Griffin lays it out clear and simple.

    The Federal Reserve Deception

  3. The worst part of the federal reserve system after they called in all the
    gold during the great depression, was the new federal reserve notes backed
    by nothing, but how much is in circulation. with nothing to stabilize the
    money like gold, natural resources and hard assets. Our dollar has lost 95%
    of it’s value due to inflation It’s the biggest hidden tax that has
    crippled this country. Paying 500k for a house that should only cost around
    40k is insane. You have to make so much money here to pay for over inflated
    crap, that it’s no wonder why we make nothing here anymore and jobs are
    gone. We’ve been duped! 

  4. *The Federal Reserve Deception*
    Please watch this film.
    G. Edwart Griffin lays it out clear and simple.

    The Federal Reserve Deception

  5. Gold and silver have no intrinsic value more than paper. It is all symbol.
    They are all metaphor for human energy measured in calories. The only
    difference is that gold and silver and platinum are scarce. That is the
    heart of capitalism and the biggest problem with it. It is a system based
    on scarcity. Scarcity as a mindset has been the norm for most cultures
    through our entire evolution as a species. It will be difficult to
    overcome. Without fiat currency there would be no middle class, just a few
    big players at constant war with each other, a new dark age of medieval
    corporate manorialism. Private corporate armies and fascist corporate
    states would rule a completely dispossessed populace. When are you working
    class Libertarians going to wake up and realize that you are the vanguard
    troops for the most backwards looking billionaires, agents of the Koch

  6. THIS is the most comprehensive AND comprehendible explanation of the
    federal reserve I’ve ever seen! EVERYONE needs to watch this shit,
    unbelievable! Thank you!

  7. It’s quite obvious what the Federal Reserve is. It represents the original
    taxes that King George III placed on the colonies in America before the
    revolution. Taxation without representation. They lend us, our own money
    with an interest. That simple. Yet, we take it, because we could never
    believe that Americans would do this to us, right??? Wake up y’all, if they
    give us all our money,& put a tax on it…where’s the tax gonna come from?
    THE PEOPLE!! Income Tax isn’t constitutional!!!!

  8. @MaoClausewitz Thanks a million for all of your uploads, the annotations on
    the Zeitgeist Reloaded video are fantastic, you clearly put a lot of work
    into this and it’s helping me for one, as well as many others. Thanks mate!


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