Tags: new world order

Donald Trump’s Prophecy… Has Trump gone too far? This is Donald Trump’s Prophecy most shocking statement yet, However the mainstream media isn’t saying a word about it! What are they really trying to cover up? I’m sending this to all my friends, family and patriot brothers… As quickly as I can… Because it’s the ONLY…

Catholic Church – 3 Most Sinister Secrets

Pope Visits America The Catholic Church has had a long history of sinister secrets and violence. You may have heard of their major involvement in violent historical events like the Inquisition, Crusades, Excommunication and witch hunts. These 3 modern day cover-ups prove the Church has not changed much during the years and is far from…

The Satanic Bloodlines

Satanic Bloodlines The history of satanic bloodlines through the ages. This video will show you that there exists an interconnected breeding of elite bloodlines. They are currently in the driver seat of the world under demonic influence. Their agenda is to form a  “The New World Order” that will encompass a one world government. The…

Bilderberg Group, a Club for the Rich or Something Much More?

Imagine an exclusive private club of power elites such as heads of state like prime ministers and presidents getting together in secret and rubbing elbows with the industrial giants of the world, rumored to be plotting the take over and fate of humanity. Sounds like a fantastic story line for the next featured Bond movie.…

Cern, the Devil is in the Details

The Devil is in the details, literally… The Hidden agenda within the Cern logo The Large Hadron Collider(LHC) at CERN is a particle accelerator, constructed to beam up protons in extremely high rate of speed, till they meet developing a large quantity of power qualified to recreate a planetary black hole, dark matter, antimatter and…

US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps – MUST WATCH VIDEO

FEMA Camps are art of the NWO plan…Follow the White Rabbit! This video was originally posted in 2013 by YouTube user Deadmau5hau5 ( link ).  It’s fascinating to hear his experiences working for the United States Marines.  In the video, he strips his army medals from his clothing and throws them….

Are Extraterrestrials Actually Demons?

Are Extraterrestrials Actually Demons?Here are 10 reasons why they might just be? 1. The Extraterrestrials or aliens of our time match the demons and fallen angels mentioned in the Bible in terms of their behavior.  Taking frightened people in the middle of the night to do all kinds of reproductive experiments hardly seems benevolent. 2.…

Eugenics and Population Control

The History of Eugenics and Population Control in the United States and Abroad It is important to understand the cultural background of the era that created this field of science.” After the Civil War, there was turbulent economy and an influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. The economy of the US had rapid…