SR 75 Jekyll Island Preview

This is the last 4 minute, 12 second SNEAK PREVIEW of “Jekyll Island” before it is released. The debt money system is the primary cause of most of the world’…

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  1. I agree with bill stills notion of inflation is not itself the problem the problem is who gets the printed money after creation.

    and also inflation is needed when money is debt as loans cannot ever be repaid without inflation then unless there are defaults.

    payback = principal + interest

    but where is the interest coming from?
    of course inflation else there would be defaults.

    but the problem is banks are not giving any money to the people only to their related and favored parties.

  2. Well, I have a few stacks myself. But then I decided it was best to invest in myself. The problem is that those stacks will probably never enter the economy again. They will sit in my safe and be inherited by my kids. They will look pretty. They will be worth something, but that something will never actually buy anything ever again. Lesson learned.

  3. Bill, the last couple of years I've been a buyer of delivered silver, think they call us stackers, not because I think it's the best system, it's not, it's rubbish, but because I think (for the moment) it's the only system. I feel I'm being forced to play this stacking game to protect myself against the current corrupted monetary system. I would gladly dump my metals for what you are proposing. but until the world regains it's moral compass, leaving the playing field seems to be the only option.

  4. Hi Bill, just ordered the movie on Bluray. I've watched your productions for many years now, you make perfect sense. Seems a big problem with the money system is "The Human Element" that continiously wants to bend, break and corrupt the rules for their own selfish gain. What's happening to western constitutions and money systems is outragious. Many thanks for what you are trying to achieve, I wish you well and look forward to watching the movie. Cheers from Australia.

  5. Bill, good to see your leading the way for true economic democracy in the US. As I am from the UK it's great to see you have involved Ben Dyson and Richard Werner from Positive Money. A Copernican revolution in understanding the money system is underway and your work will go such a long way to achieving a better world.

  6. Thanks Bill, good to see your leading the way for true economic democracy in the US. As i'm from the UK it's great to see you have got Ben Dyson and Richard Werner from Positive Money. A copernican revolution in understanding the money system is underway and your work will go such a long way to achieving a better world.

  7. Bill, it is amazing how many seemingly intelligent people, Doctors, lawyers, people from highly educated back grounds that just cannot grasp these simple concepts. This to me is as simple as a,b,c. Government printed f.i.a.t. money is the only thing that makes any since. And so simple to control the quantity if we had honest representation in Washington and in our states. Sadly we have been overtaken by the banker class and they own the media and the politicians. We are being pushed into 1776 #2

  8. i can guarantee you that pirating is inevitable. it's a good piece and people will want to see it. i hope you know that there is no effective way to combat pirating. if anything, you should be happy because the message is being spread. either way, people like myself who want to support you financially in all your endeavors always will, and new fans will see the value in your work and will definitely send some devalued fiat currency your way.

  9. I look forward to the movie! I kinda of understand this but want a better clearer understanding so I can communicate it better when there's a discussion on the matter. Off to share your link with my family…..

  10. Bill I have a lot of respect for you and for your work. But at least 2.5billion people in South- and South East Asia disagree with you on this matter. Gold and Silver have both been currency for us for at least has 3000 years. And that will stay that way for the forseeable future. And keep the good work.

  11. Well shucks! Wish I would have seen this last night when I recorded my show for today. I used your SR74 in my show Bill, gave you some good plugs on your films and book. Will definitely use SR75 next week. Keep it coming

  12. good luck with the movie!
    I hope you get re-paid for your time and effort to fix this abomination – our financial system.
    This system is one of the root causes why we need to exploit natural resources and have ever growing economies – to pay off the people in charge of this fraud.
    You have the best fix for this – unlike the Zeitgeist and Venus movement – who essentially promote a dictatorship organized by a "super-smart computer"… just who programs this computer? of course the oligarchy.


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