Kings of Cannabis (Full Length Documentary)

Check out other videos from Weediquette here: You might not know who Arjan Roskam is, but you’ve probably smoked his weed. Arjan’s been…

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32 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. I have 14 plants in my greenhouse 10 of them are Frisian Dew and 4 are Girl
    Scout Cookies i got the seeds from Rasta-Seedbank the Girl Scout Cookies
    were freebies im using fox farms nutrients so im hoping to get some really
    good yield

  2. Before people bash Cannabis, please realize that while it may not be the
    safest recreational thing to engage in, it has NOT killed anyone from
    direct use. Alcohol alone kills 88,000 annually. Not including accidents. 

  3. the only reason weed has such a bad rep is because our dumbass government
    banned it so it went on the black government.. if they didnt people would
    think of it as a medicine not a drug and it sure as hell wouldnt be a
    gateway because of course if you buy weed from a dealer they will have coke
    and meth and all that shit like fuck

  4. This guy sells feminized seeds. In other words, He is a complete and utter
    Any one selling fem seeds or claiming to have G13 in their genetics is a

  5. It’s fucking illegal in that country, so lets slap their faces all over the
    videos, tell what town they grow in and put it all over the internet.
    Fucking brilliant.. assholes..

  6. “Legalize gay marriage and marijuana!” You idiotic liberals should be
    focusing on things that actually benefits the country, not something that
    you can just do legally recreationally. This country needs less lazy
    people, not more. Marijuana does turn you into an idiot if that’s all you
    do, I don’t care who you are. This is from experience as well.

  7. Morocco is number 1 weed producer of the world then comes afganistan then
    the rest of the world, if you havnt tried moroccan black consider yourself
    a newbie 🙂

  8. Another clever documentary designed to promote drugs. The happiest people
    in history were advocates of prayer, sex and meditation, not smoking and
    snorting. Even Gene Simmons knows better than to touch drugs.

  9. Mr Pregnant - Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st · Edit

    (THC) Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive ingredients in cannabis
    that induces the psychological effect. When the compound enters the
    bloodstream it targets the central nervous system, altering the brains
    neurological function. Although the (THC) property emanates from a natural
    plant, the potency alters the brains processing system. The (THC) property
    binds to the naturally produced cannabinoid receptors in the brain,
    altering how the receptors process information, causing irregular or
    disruption of the brains natural regulating mechanism. Recently they’ve
    discovered ways to harness the DNA structure of THC to create synthetic
    drugs. A chemically induced imitation of a process that propagates
    naturally between the harmony of botany and the ecological system.
    Intriguing indeed. I’m currently writing a paper on Tetrahydrocannabinol
    psychoactive ingredients vs synthetic-psychoactive stimulants such as
    amphetamine and methamphetamine in adderall.


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