The Loggerhead Sea Turtle “Tunicate” was named after the encrustations (Epibiota) that covered his shell. He was treated for epibiota & old Shark & Boat Prop…
@waterchildtera all the money we pay goes only for interest yes it does see
the grace commission report requested by REAGAN !!! it's wealth
redistribution take from everyone and keep it!!! THIS BANKING SYSTEM IS ALL
OF THE WORLDS Problems they create it by adding or retracting cash no more
fractional banking ever again outlaw it make it a death sentence crime !!!
@waterchildtera all the money we pay goes only for interest yes it does see
the grace commission report requested by REAGAN !!! it's wealth
redistribution take from everyone and keep it!!! THIS BANKING SYSTEM IS ALL
OF THE WORLDS Problems they create it by adding or retracting cash no more
fractional banking ever again outlaw it make it a death sentence crime !!!