Iced Earth – Sons of Liberty (The Creature From Jekyll Island) Free. All MP3’s can be found here:…
IMO Sons of Liberty is better than Iced Earth. Then again, I am a libertarian whose been following Infowars and such for a long time so this fusion is like, the greatest thing ever, to me.
I would like to listen & hear the "Corrupotion" of Iced Earth but unespectably jump something other … Why?!
Jekyll Island, Georgia?
Jon schaffer is iced earth… he is the founder!!! what are you talking about?
This song is the most awesome I`ve ever heard !!!!!
this is the work of Jon Schaffer, a core member of Iced Earth. This is his side project, a truly heart-felt one you might say 😉
Whats more, everything in this song is actually truth embedded into a song, so listen carefully.
Yesterday on Alex Jones show Max Keisser said he see the future and it is he and Alex Jones having the cooking show just:)
I like this kind of future:)
Cheers Iced Earth, cheers all awaken ones!
IMO Sons of Liberty is better than Iced Earth. Then again, I am a libertarian whose been following Infowars and such for a long time so this fusion is like, the greatest thing ever, to me.
its good, plus the message is awesome
that's not iced earth thats only Jon schaffer! this is sons of liberty his solo project!
this cant be iced earth… :( we want the old music
167th viewer. oh ya
1st viewer. ha