G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System

The author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” G. Edward Griffin, on the cartel structure of the Federal Reserve System and the 1910 “money trust” meeting …

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  1. We have exterminated the property owners in Russia.We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America.
    (The Jew, December 1925,Zinobit
    The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people."
    - Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919
    Here is their plan for you.Read this SCRIBD book

  2. Currently there is a bill in Congress to end the Fed. HR 73. Let your Congressmen know you support the bill. Let's oust these leaches.

  3. Bragging about being involved in the risky lending that led to the collapse of our economy in 2008…lol what a dickhead

  4. Start with by checking into Prof. Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, via CarrollQuigley(dot)com, Google, & here on Youtube. His 1966, 1300+ page, "Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time", and available for FREE from website noted above, will start one in the right direction. It's all there…

  5. The Zionists are deliberately destroying all Western countries! They immigrated into our nations and then secretly declared war upon us!

    They conspired to take control of our nation's infrastructure through carefully orchestrated acts of TREASON! They became our Bankers, Politicians & media owners. Their goal is to obliterate the middle class!!

    For a FREE informative BOOKLET & video on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of White people go to:

    youtube. com/watch?v=n663eVTSyS8

  6. To bad Americans are stupid motherfuckers who do not research shit but listen to gov controlled news. Sheep are led to slaughter. !!!!

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  9. I believe that there is a banking cartel, reason stands for it, but how did they know, any of this, who "dropped the bomb?" Citation please, that's all im asking for.

  10. The solution to the worlds problems is informing enough people about why the Federal Reserve is illegal (read the constitution, only gold and silver coin are legal tender, and congress must control the treasury), and…

    Anyone who knows this and still supports it is criminal.
    One who knows this and wants to end the Federal Reserve is probably good.
    One who does not know or believe this needs to learn about the Federal Reserve Audit.

    Start on truthcontrol forum, "Fixing the Worlds Problems".

  11. The Zionists are deliberately destroying all Western countries! They immigrated into our nations and then secretly declared war upon us!

    They conspired to take control of our nation's infrastructure through carefully orchestrated acts of TREASON! They became our Bankers, Politicians & media owners. Their goal is to obliterate the middle class!!

    For a FREE informative BOOKLET & video on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of White people go to: w w w. youtube. com/watch?v=n663eVTSyS8

  12. reading the book "secrets of the federal reserve" the london connection by eustace mullins. very good video, sir. thanks

  13. Federal Reserve 1957 George W. Malone, U.S. Senator (Nevada), speaking before Congress in 1957, alluded to the families that secretly own the "Federal" Reserve Bank and control the finances of the U.S.. He stated: "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election.It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States

  14. Funniest damned thing….we in the Posse Comitatus were saying these same things about the "fed" clear back in the '60s…of course, no one listened. They are now….inside their tents.

  15. Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of $5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation allegedly coming from the Federal Reserve. This deserves some attention.

  16. and when the backers sell your loan to other agencies so you then have to pay a higher interest? so lets all be american im going to have 10 kids, but im bankrupt so im going to ''certify'' them a commerce identity which is essentially a bond for lets say $1,000,000 each im still technically bankrupt but who cares i have $10,000,000. oh and i turned an entity into credit and with or without consent that is still illegal. were all slaves

  17. Support Ron Paul.
    Less government spending, less taxation to American Citizens, a budget plan that works.

    This man has been fighting for your personal freedom and the separation of congress from big business for years. He stands against draconian bills like SOPA, NDAA and the Patriot Act.

    He has fought against the war on drugs, the foreign wars, and corporate bail outs.

    Vote for liberty this year. Vote for real change.

    Thumb up and spread the message!

  18. I need an opinion on this:

    Printing Presses. Print your own cash. Go to jail. Own a bank and print untold trillions, then loan it out to collect obscene profits on the interest? Why that's the American way!


    banks don't print money, the federal reserve does…and they don't just do it all the time, they charge the banks a higher discount rate to print money for them when they can't back up loans via reserves…this picture is just stupid


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