FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields (click for links)

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  1. yep thats correct. penny stocks have been booming in past 2 years and thats
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  2. Sir, I take my hat off to You. This is fantastic work and deserves to be
    known. You may not be a Genius, however, You have had a moment of
    Brilliance here with this work You have done. Bravo, I am glad You are on
    our side.

  3. @Budvb They should just pay everyone not to do anything, hell we should
    give money too farmers to take a years vacation. And see how powerful that
    money really is when there is no food.

  4. There is so much badness going on, it is getting hard to tell what is
    biggest mess. There is the ongoing BP gulf mess with whales, turtles and
    dolphins washing up, then there is all the radiation spewing from Fukushima
    that is no longer making the news, and now there is this put option mess.
    This makes me really appreciate how important it is to live life as simply
    as possible.

  5. At 5:01 you talk about selling put options on your own debt, this is
    actually the opposite of everything you talk about in the video. In your
    example, you would profit form a put in the event of a default. To get this
    protection, you BUY a put. By selling put options on your own debt, you are
    actually betting against NOT defaulting…. i.e. you are able to pay your
    bills. I agree with most of what you said, but I think you are a little
    confused about this part. Also, you sound like a robot.

  6. Wow.. a fantastic piece of investigative work.. I think many of us knew
    this, but to have it laid out like that is a wonderful resource. END THE FED

  7. I am confused at 5:16 mark. According to the recent Federal Inquiry for
    example, Goldman Sachs was found to be short (ie, betting its product would
    fail) 100% of the crap they were selling to the public. Goldman thus was in
    a position to win big both by selling crap, AND by winning the bet they had
    made. However at the 5:16 mark, if I am following correctly, the fed has
    sold (ie given away) the right to benefit if it’s product fails, allowing
    the buyer to benefit. I will keep watching….

  8. @KhmerD0g Fuck that! Get rid of it! Legalize Constitutional money and allow
    for competing currencies. Try the bankers and sentence them to a life of
    hard labor moving 100lb rocks and cleaning sewer lines with their own tooth

  9. Well not all of them …. Bill Gross (PIMCO) had taken the stunning
    decision to bring his Treasury exposure from 12% to 0%. Bill Gross Is Now
    Short US Debt, Hikes Cash To $73 Billion, An All Time Record.

  10. @jwindebank Yea you are right. This guy is on right on the dot. Keep it up.
    You are the very reason we understand more and more of this manipulation.
    Looking forward for more explainaition.

  11. By using the put options to lower the interest rate on new security issues,
    the Fed permit’s the government to issue new debt (securities) at low
    interest rates. Once securities are issued, they are never paid off (they
    are rolled over). $8.5 trillion was issued or rolled over last year–that
    is half of national debt. Watch interest rates on next years issues to

  12. Amazing work. Another issue is that this would seem to compromise the
    ‘objectivity’ of the Fed over interest rates. By issuing the put options
    they now have a huge vested interest in not raising rates since doing so
    means they have to pay out money. This fact, together with Kos’ own
    statement about the difficulty in stopping writing puts (because this would
    signal the intent to raise rates in the future), means that the Fed is
    painting itself into a corner – no rate raise, no stopping inflation

  13. @luke55664 Who’s marginalizing the role of the Fed? The individual states
    conferred limited power in the creation of the Federal government. That
    Federal government has in turn created an entity beyond its
    constitutionally mandated authority. It did so because the creditors in the
    international bankruptcy wanted it for control over it’s debtors. When
    authority is deceitfully usurped it doesn’t exist until it is reclaimed.
    People should know there is no authority if it is not asserted.

  14. Central Planning is all about counteracting the negative effects of Central
    Planning. The more Central Planning there is, the more need for Central
    Planning. It’s like fractals. A truly brilliant strategy to generate
    “need”. Kind of reminds me of that idiom: “The only thing we have to fear
    is fear itself”. What does that mean if you really think about it?

  15. By selling put options on your own debt ,there are two possible outcomes
    and it’s not a betting against defaulting but a bet that the intrest rates
    on your debt are not going to rise (what means lower prices for your debt
    paper) before the options expire. A)Intrest rates don’t rise and you win
    the premium. B)Intrest rates rise ,you have to buy your debt back on the
    exercise price of the writing options.

  16. WOW – send this video to anyone that has been hesitating to acquire
    precious metals – make sure they understand the importance of physical

  17. Excellent work……I am surprised that the FED hasnt classified this
    information and kept it under lock and key. Damn corrupt cabal… with
    their heads!!!!

  18. Great job! This is very difficult material to present so understandably and
    engagingly. You probably know, but the SMX recently started selling paper
    gold, silver, and copper. Yet another rabbit out of the fraudsters’ hat. Do
    you think this may be a way for silver to be manipulated down on the COMEX
    by pushing cash-settled contracts down on the SMX and letting arbitrageurs
    do the rest?


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