Ernest Hancock and The Jekyll Island Project

ernest hancock shares his thoughts on the The Jekyll Island Project to be held on Thursday may 21st.

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  1. There is a phoenix in the back ground look people just like the FBI,CIA
    etc.. put or make a group of people who pretend they are against NWO, Skull
    and BONes etc.. just to see who’s involved too see how they can counter
    attack against the righteous and GOD’s people GOD bless you all and stand
    on the Word og GOD !!!!

  2. Wise strategy, Ernie. I know Bob Schultz also had a lot of pressure on Ron
    Paul on a few issues: I think they even wanted to sue Ron Paul to run as a
    third party last year and also to support an investigation on the Obama is
    not a US citizen issue. Ron Paul wisely decided to not go into all that and
    be characterized as a “conspiracy theorist”, but rather focus on positive
    issues and the main issues like the Fed while is is gaining mainstream

  3. Erne there are other movements this one is operating much to isolated for
    me to believe that it will make any more of a difference than Ron Paul
    running for president… I have seen you at 911 events I have protested
    down at the state capitol with you and none of that meant anything… I
    hope this latest.. I’ll call it an action is more than theater… Mean
    while I’ll continue to grow food and arm… I am no one


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