DISNEY AND THE OCCULT: Kickin’ It with Skull and Bones


We all know that Disney has a lot of interesting ties to the occult. You have hidden sexual imagery all over the place, you also have Walt Disney’s connection to the CIA when purchasing land in Florida, the 33 club, and just tons of occult imagery etc for children. But I wanted to focus on one particular thing I noticed on Season 4 Episode 14 called Seaford Hustle on Kickin’ It on Disney XD and I want to pose the question to YOU GUYS watching the video. First off, one of the story lines in the episode is as follows, “Milton fears his dreams of going to Oxbridge University are ruined until he meets Tom, the president of a powerful brotherhood that can help him.” The university Milton is trying to get into is OxBridge University. This is supposed to be a mix of Oxford and Cambridge…which are rival schools but also some of the oldest institutions around. I think this was just a fun way to express (super smart school). The “brotherhood” that is displayed in the episode is none other than the Skull and Bones.

-Skull and Bones was founded in 1832 after a dispute between Yale debating societies
-Alexandra Robbins suggest that Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati and controls the CIA…
-Books written about the society include economist Antony C. Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones and Kris Millegan’s 2003 Fleshing Out Skull and Bones.
-It’s made appearances in The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, an old episode of Batman,
-There have been TONS of very prominent people in government and political leadership who have been part of Skull and Bones. The most famous is the Bush line…Prescott Bush, George HW Bush, George W Bush, and John Kerry was also a part of the Skull and Bones.
-In AOD 1 I showed old footage from CBS News of someone who snuck into a Skull and Bones initiation ceremony where some initiate was being beaten and yelled at “kiss the skull” remember that?

So if they used a fictitious name for the university, what purpose was the name of the actual secret society Skull and Bones?




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26 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. great video and all man… but considering your probably watching these
    shows b/c your kids are watching them… with the things you are coming to
    realize and point out in your videos, you have to be aware that there is,
    and always has been much more to the TV then even those who think they’re
    aware, fully realize.. my point is, you are pointing out the occult
    references, symbols, use of subliminal hints that is guaranteed to be found
    in children’s tv “programming” …clearly, there is some higher level
    malevolent agenda at work that our ancestors would right away see as evil
    satanic sorcery, witchraft.. albeit it is all dressed up in the nice
    appealing package as “harmless” kids shows… But you continue to support
    these shows and willingly expose your kids to it?

    Though you see the underlying symbolism and satanic undertowns… I really
    dont think you realize the extent to which you can clearly see what you
    think and always thought were just human actors on TV, upon closer look/
    frame by frame analysis… you will unfortunately begin to come to the true
    revelation of the extent to which demonic entities have always been
    utilizing the TV as a medium for which they can influence the world towards
    increasingly more preverted, violent, greedy, bad is good, self centered,
    mischievous, self destructive, etc. ways of being… the “stars” are the
    false idols and I often suspect that the TV may be what is meant by the
    biblical passage about satan “giving image to the beast”. have you not see
    all the videos posted by so many pointing out the demonic shapeshifting
    seen on tv and in movies??? it ain’t about reptilians, its dead serious and
    its demonic… once you know to look, it only becomes more & more obvious
    and apparent. 

  2. Great one Gonz.

    First of all as “The dark lord” and his followers, he/they will keep
    confusing truth and lies (not only tell full lies or neglect thing stated),
    so that he can keep as many as he/they can in the fog of things.

    * I think that now that truth of the S&B is really getting out there and
    they cannot deny or neglect the info, they instead try to reshape or
    masquerade it in a different way to the general public to keep the dumbed
    down and saying that it’s all a conspiracy.
    More like “there is nothing to it”, so why all the noise?
    It is the propaganda war. Because the only thing people can rely on is info
    about what is truth. So what would you, as an enemy general, use to confuse
    as many as your possible enemies, to either join your side or the stand
    still in confusion as the war begins and continues? Manipulated Propaganda
    of course. Steer the masses where you want them to go.
    All this you know. But I still wanted to comment.

    Also thank you for the many interesting programs with Basil on Canary Cry.
    It keeps me awake those days when I am just in “the wheel”.


  3. Hey bro – great li’l video (hope you’ll do more) – I live in England, so
    just want to say the term “Oxbridge” is not fictitious but a standard
    phrase among us Brits. God bless

  4. awesome work….yeah a lot of hidden esoteric knowledge in very thing they
    do…..the light-saber is referencing to film “STAR WARS”….and George
    Lucas got it’s influential base for “STAR WARS” from “The Emerald Tablets
    of Thoth”…which also John Dee base his whole religion from…..secret
    knowledge that they have kept to themselves for generations n generations.

  5. Well, it is likely saying things on so many levels (I guess that’s
    obvious), that we can never get to the complete of it it unless we heard it
    from Satan himself. But on the lowest level, it certainly tries to make
    those of us awake to this stuff and try to awake others, appear like
    conspiracy nuts to the sheep. Propaganda in its simplest form. My wife sees
    a show likes that, and I can just see the smirk on her face–it kind of
    destroys the credibility of some of these things I try to show her. (i
    don’t know if I explained my point very well)

  6. Disney is into brainwashing the masses to accept the New World Order.
    Nothing new really. It’s the world. I don’t let my children watch Disney
    anything. We turned of the t.v./cable many years ago. They’re aware of
    these things b/c my husband & I teach them the real truth. It’s important
    to have an understanding of these kinds of things. To have discernment.
    What’s more is to know Yahweh’s Truth. When you know His Truth you are able
    to discern the counterfeit. 

  7. Disney has used gay agenda N.W.O.Illuminati, satanic brain washing. Kids
    for years since 1950’s. This is nothing new Wake up Watchmen,wake up World.

  8. Gonz Great job with this video. Have you seen the ep of jesse with michelle
    obama on it.There is a part where the 1st lady refers to having six
    fingers and pulls out a white six fingered glove referring to the nephilim
    with six fingers and freemasonry with the white glove maybe?

  9. Емил Стефанов · Edit

    Disney monarch mind programming is real! I know somebody who is obsessed
    with/by the fairy character from Peter Pan. God bless.

  10. Hey gonz, great video. I just wanted to let you know about a certain
    episode of adventure time on Cartoon Network. It’s called “astral plane”
    and it’s only about 11 minutes long if you want to check it out. This
    occult stuff is really showing its colors and I pray for the little ones
    who watch these shows. God bless 

  11. The windows in the background are covered in the same Kabbalistic,Tree of
    Life motif commonly seen in Masonic architecture, especially courthouses.


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