CT lady proclaims the “Sandy Hook shooting” a FAKE HOAX. Watch her stand up to corrupt CT officials during the Newtown Public Safety Hearing.
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She deserves alot of credit. She was nervous but she had courage enough to
get up there and speak her mind.
Good for her!
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
The truth is like a lion. Set it free and it will defend itself. Thank you
to this woman for having the courage to stand up to the corrupt and evil.
Bring the motha f**kin house down!!
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
Amazing Woman! More guts than most man…
Thank you. Maureen Crowley. Well said.
You go Maureen Crowley! You go kick some CORRUPTICUTT ASS!!!
Braver that all those pencil pushing pricks sitting across from her
Wow! There are heroes in the world after all!
Thank you, Maureen Crowley! You have my love and respect! Namaste!!!!!
Very few will go to these lengths…..
BRAVO to this brave and intelligent woman. A true American – who just wants
the truth.
It’s the traitors to America who won’t tell it.
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
I dont understand why these bureaucrats act like this. These are supposed
to be sensible intelligent people. When you get someone who is coherent,
testifying on evidence that she deems credible and abundant, why then do
these administrators appear not to be listening or take her seriously? They
cant all be in on it.
Maureen Crowley, you a true Patriot with the courage to speak the truth and
what’s on your mind. Too bad so many people go around with their eyes and
minds shut but they will be awakening soon when some other events in the
elites End Game, who state, federal and local politicians have embraced and
therefore, makes them all a party to pre-meditated mass murder of 250
million Americans.
Problems Coming to Corrupticut and all of America
Obama/U.N./Rockefeller’s Secret Settlements for Americans
Detroit-Model City for Slavery Infrastructure
*A woman who has courage.*
Thank you Maureen, One will become 10, will become a million, soon, Sandy
Hook will be fully exposed to the sheeple and trials will ensue, but they
must be made up of people like Maureen, not from this corrupt judicial
system, to the councilman who told you to “wrap it up” “You” are to be put
on trial too buddy, among the many to be prosecuted for willful conspiracy
in this criminal event, you and so many others, a massive docket it will
be, inclusive of the entire judicial system, so that is a warning to all
you prosecutors and detectives out there, start speaking up and
investigating or be looked at with suspicious eyes for all time for your
silence in this and Boston. What did you know? and when did you know it?
(Sound Familiar) A critical mass is building and the rope is getting
God bless this woman for her courage to speak the truth!
Wicked!! Whhoooooo fuck yerrrr pozner choke on dick in jail while u rot
scum fucker. U r all going down DOWN. And guess who is rising up? We rise,
the people, there’s no stopping the momentum u gonna get crushed by your
own bullshit. Watch out now! We coming
“”Well done, well said…..it was a lie, a hoax……God help us with what
is coming.””
(Post Script: I quickly posted a comment, giving my voice of support for
her courage, call out the lie and the hoax, scam….but then I read some
of the comments, and realized, she may pay a price for speaking out. This
was along time ago and what ever happened to her after her testimony has
happened and is all over on this day 3/5/2015. — We are all waiting for
Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing hoax to be realized, for the end game to
be put on the table. Something evil is coming. I am intelligently afraid of
what is going to happen to the people of the US of A.)
What I want to know is…why hasn’t my favorite crisis actor, “coroner” Dr
Wayne Carver landed his own sitcom…or at the very least, a SNL gig, or 3
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
*Sandy Hook false flag testimony* ▷ Public safety and security committee
March 3, 2015 public hearing:
**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxTafqejV6k** -*
#2ndamendment #usmc #usarmy #usnavy #usairforce #police #military
#brianwilliams #obamacare #gruber +Lorri Anderson
Courage, a too rare quality.
CT lady proclaims the “Sandy Hook shooting” a FAKE HOAX. Watch her stand up
to corrupt CT officials during the Newtown Public Safety Hearing.
Anderson Cooper wood be Carver’s “room mate”…playing a submissive catcher
Sandy Hook woman gives testimony of false event at school ‘shooting’ (drill
gone live/false flag event).
*’Sandy Hook was fake’*
Maureen Crowley recommends watching “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook” to
the Public Safety & Security Committee in Newtown CT.
More info: http://mediasolidarity.com/
#SandyHook #Hoax
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
Thank God there is a real human being out there speaking the truth, why
won’t the American people come out of their comas and stand up to this
criminal Government we have, our Government has been hijacked and is run by
criminals and we the people need to do something……stop being
Thank you Maureen Crowley for standing up to the Powers That Be. I’m not
sure all CT Officials are corrupt, but many clearly are, and although I
can’t be certain that NO children were killed at Sandy Hook that December
in 2012, something is very wrong with the official story, and I believe a
grave injustice occurred, which was NOT solely the murder of 20 children
and 6 adults.
Some feedback for Maureen: Slow down your speaking, as sometimes you
fumbled your words (this was towards the end, and I know you had to
Secondly, some of your facts are wrong – the FBI murder count records for
Newtown has been explained as a simple categorizing ‘issue’; however, the
majority of your points are on point and accurate, and I have the same
questions – for example, Wolfgang Halbig being harassed (and I’d like his
“16 questions” answered as well).
To all honest truth seekers, who want the EVIL that has infiltrated our
government removed, KEEP speaking Truth to Power. The only way good can
triumph is if all the good people find the bravery to overcome their fear
of retribution by the corrupt power system (many who are nothing but
ignorant pawns, and when they discover where their ethics lie, will come to
our side).
We live in a shitty time, where greedy, psychopathic and power insane
creatures are destroying our society, across THE PLANET. We have to work
together and stop this madness!
Confirmation of every word this woman has to say here:
“The Real Deal special MUST SEE Sandy Hook update”
wheres the evidence of this ? this had our whole world sitting on the edge
of their seats … and now your telling us it was Fake … this is insane .
Good job!! Took some courage to speak the truth.
CT LADY: “Sandy Hook was FAKE.”
Watch & Share
The Media is the Monster Medusa! Cut off her head and the Leviathan will
die, saving Andromeda and restoring the Rightful King! Perseus takes the
Mon-eye from the sister’s Graeae! It is an embarrassment that the One
Tooth is the mouth-piece they consume as they all turn to stone!
I wouldn’t want to be on the side of the Monster Media Political Machine,
the very element of the Lobby which is the Fund-raisers! The House next
door tells the Story, that this was a United Way effort amongst them all!
A House of Cards!
Nice to hear a strong Wind!
thanks for your honesty and bravery. I know you don’t want to be us
president but i know there are enough people out there who would act as
your REAL SECRET SERVICE and protect you because we need representatives
like you, local, state national and international….well spoken and
intelligent too.
Take that you A-holes. The Hook was a hoax.