Category: Rothschild

This material belongs to HBO and is used here under “fair use law”, to wake people the “F” up! Please pass this on! If there were any videoa worthy of being passed on it’s this one! And while you’re at it. Help take back our Country!! Stop saying how bad things are and do something…

L’unico ufficio stampa autorizzato a rappresentare Adam Kadmon su Facebook e ricevere messaggi a lui destinati è qui: NESSUN ALTRO può prendere accordi di qualsivoglia genere né rispondere a suo nome. Non fidatevi di nessuno che vi scriva in privato o pubblicamente di essere Adam Kadmon in persona. NESSUNO è autorizzato a prendere accordi,…

WOW friends. Is this really happening? We need to be dancing in the street. YE HAA, this is sooo awesome. We were about to crash and burn, war, ebola, fukushima, but then, Putin comes along. He has saved this world from the enemy. We really need to spread the word and start rejoicing. This is…

Rothschild Family Illuminati Secrets Revealed *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Click “Like” “Favorite” and sound off in the comments. Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political…

Das Ursprungsvideo wurde am 01.04.14 weltweit gesperrt – wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung … daher wurde der beanstandete Teil entfernt, was jedoch den Informa… Dünyaca ünlü Yahudi Müzisyen Gilad Atzmon, Rothschild Hanedanı ve kuklalarını deşifre etti.

Le scandale de la réserve fédérale américaine, crée par le cartel de 6 méga banques. Le même processus a conduit à la création de banques centrales déposséda…