Category: Chemtrails

Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of “weather modificati…

Look This Up On YouTube – “Why in the World are They Spraying?” Documentary ** At the 2013, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force …

The chemtails conspiracy is the belief that the contrails aka. vapour trails you seen behind aircrafts are laced with chemicals thought to be put there for p…

Today on #OffTheGrid, we’re holding our breath, until Jesse Ventura gets to the bottom of the Chemtrails Conspiracy! Is the U.S. Government poisoning our ski…

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S military connection…

NEWS PROOF FROM OVERSEAS !!! shame on you 9 news. SUNRISE. CH 10.. ABC !!!! all lying and covering this up… WE HAVE JUST FOUND A DOCUMENT SAYING… Gm – GE… The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed. By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white…

May 30 2014 Breaking News New Climate Geo-Engineering Chem Trails HAARP Mind control Military weather manipulation depopulation plan Bill Gates Financial elite Big Corporate wall street Government…

Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM Are Very real. If you are still in doubt that them lines in the sky are contrails or that the milky …