LES CHEMTRAILS QU’EST CE QUE C’EST ? : http://www.lemondemeilleur.com/#Enfin_La_verite_CHEMTRAILS.WC http://www.chemtrails-france.com/qu_est_ce_que_c_est/ind…
Category: Chemtrails
Chemtrails to De-Populate
Please find and Watch 2 Most important documentary movies “The World According to Monsanto” and “Food Inc”. Youtube keeps deleting them due to corporate pres…
Chemtrails,What in the World are They Spraying ? En Français durée 1h35
Pour vous et vos enfants et les générations futures ! Nous encourageons tous le monde à faire partager aux plus grand nombre ! Les copies libres…
Chemtrails & Demos – Bundeswehr Studie – Werner Altnickel & Jo Conrad | Bewusst.TV 20.10.2014
20.10.2014 Geoengineering ist keine Verschwörungstheorie – Luftverschmutzung mit Tagespeaks und keine öffentliche Warnungen. Werner Altnickel im Gespräch mit…
Chemtrails über uns!
Vortrag in Wien Das Thema “Chemtrails” ist immer wieder Gesprächsstoff. Selbst in der Politik. Schwer umstritten sind diese Kondensstreifen die aus Abgase, L…
English subtitles available !!! CC Reportage Enquète de Région du 28 mars 2014 :”Ce mal venu du ciel ?” Un reportage de 22′ de Jean-Manuel Bertrand — Alban …
Chemtrails and the Truth of the Government Cover Up (Full Documentary)
Chemtrails and the Truth of the Government Cover Up (Full Documentary) . 2013 2014 This documentary as well as all of the rest of these documentaries shown h…
Chemtrails – Chmury Śmierci 1 / 3
Bezczelność naszych tzw. ‘liderów’ przekracza wszelkie granice przyzwoitości. Czymś się nas opryskuje, jakbyśmy byli stonką ziemniaczaną. Agencje rządowe odm…
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain – Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Linderman Unleashed Radio Show March 28th 2013 Broadcast. Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and …
Proof that Chemtrails Are Real
If you do not yet understand that chemtrail are real, you need to watch this clip. Chemtrails are not conspiracy and people need to understand the facts because we all breath air – and as you…