Category: Chemtrails

Para quem ainda não viu, deixo aqui os links de dois ótimos documentários sobre os chemtrails e a geo-engenharia do clima: What in the World Are They Spraying – perfeitamente legendado – Vimeo Documentário recente sobre geo-engenharia/chemtrails -2012 – 1:12m Why in the World are They Spraying? opção para legendas em português Tak –…

Martin Farrell interviews Jim Lee on People’s Internet Radio References: Chemtrails: Chemtrail Timeline: Geoengineering Exposed The Weather Effect —[ CLIMATE VIEWER 3D ]— App: Tutorial: —[ SUBSCRIBE ]— Video by Jim Lee: Please Subscribe: —[ SOCIAL ]— Climate Viewer News: Website: YouTube: Google+:…

How They Are Changing you . . . Cells and DNA . . . Against your will . . . This explains clearly what they are doing Chemtrails and nanotechnology are changing the world in which we live (Bioengineering). They are changing your cells and DNA against your will — dark change People will al…

2014 Update:NWO’s Project Blue Beam and the real reasons for Chemtrails! This video is a update on some new tech that is beyond 3D Holographic . Also it is a great video for those who are new to the Blue Beam Project. It will answer the real reason for conspiracy chemtrails in the skies! Please… COPY PASTE INTO YOUTUBE REPLIES: ~ start ~ YOU ONLY NEED SIX WORDS TO STOP CHEMTRAILS: *NO SUCH THING AS GREENHOUSE GAS* THIS LINK TEACHES YOU EVERYTHING ABOUT CHEMTRAILS SUCH AS CHEMTRAIL CROW INSTABILITY VS CONTRAIL CROW INSTABILITY AND CHEMTRAIL ASYMMETRY VS NEAR PERFECT SYMMETRY AND SHORT LIFE OF REAL CONTRAILS (CONDENSATION… De nuevo, nuestro amigo y colaborador Steve Locse nos abre las puertas a nuevas investigaciones, esta vez hablando del peligro de los Chemtrails, unas trazas químicas liberadas por el aire cuyo plan último, según su nueva teoría, no dejará indiferente a nadie. Steve Locse no solo nos explica cuales son los componentes tóxicos y…

While the majority of adults wish to not believe in chem trails, their very children are talking about it. Are the planes that we see, spreading chem trails through the skies, actually planes, or rockets? How high do the planes that dump these chem trails have to fly? Next time you see one? Try to…

Max Bliss is an independent researcher and activist. He is truly a grass roots activist that has created a stir in the chemtrail movement. He was a keynote speaker at the first UK Chemtrail conference in London in 2012, then later in 2013 Max & fellow activists embarked with a anti chemtrail painted panel van…

This video solves the 20 year old mysteries: WHO IS MAKING THE CHEMTRAIL SPRAY MIX? WHERE DOES THE CHEMTRAIL SPRAY MIX COME FROM? WHY ARE THEY MAKING THE CHEMTRAIL SPRAY MIX? NOW, we have a real tool, to stop the chemtrail attack on our planet! This is a VERY important video, so please download, translate/upload,…

Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University in the UK told the media recently that he’s “terrified” by many of the geoengineering projects currently in the works to thwart man-made climate change, a phenomenon being hawked as an excuse for weather modification programs by many in mainstream science as a ‘threat to humanity.’ Follow Alex…