Category: World Trade Center

Once años después de que los terroristas cambiaran la silueta de la Gran Manzana, a golpe de aviones suicidas, el rascacielos del One Trade Center toca el ci…

One World Trade Center is topped out! The latest update/time lapse from the One World Trade Center, showing the continued installation of the controversial a…

World Trade Center Melted Steel – WTC Artwork – 9/11/2011 – September 11, 2001 – Never Forget Part 2.

A time lapse of a video released by the Port Authority shows the spire being raised to the top of One World Trade Center. Please visit…

You all want more updates? You got it! This is a new and very special update for One World Trade Center and Four World Trade Center taken on May 10, 2013 las…

Check out the incredible GoPro footage shot by the Port Authority of NY & NJ of One World Trade Center’s final spire installation, making it the tallest buil…

One World Trade Center reaches new heights on Friday as the spire at the top of the building is put into place making the building 1776 feet tall- a referen…

Ostatnie telefony z WTC – Zamachy 11 września 2001 r. na World Trade Center zmieniły świat. Ale uwięzieni wtedy w nich ludzie nie myśleli o tym, co może przy…

One World Trade Center Update May 4, 2013 from the 69th Street Pier, in Brooklyn, New York. Here we check out One World Trade from this angle on this date. T…