Academy Award-Winning Director Oliver Stone tells the true story of the Heroic Survival and Rescue of two Port Authority Policemen – John McLoughlin and Will…
Category: World Trade Center
World Trade Center (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Am Anfang weiss keiner genau was passiert ist, klar ist nur: Ein Flugzeug ist in das World Trade Center eingeschlagen. Ein Unfall oder ein Anschlag? Nichts i…
Witness the rise of One World Trade Center
In 2004, the construction of the new tower, One World Trade Center began. Nine years later, the building was finally completed. Yesterday, to commemorate the…
Going Inside One World Trade Center
Forbes Morgan Brennan goes up to the 63rd floor to check out the newly finished marketing floor. Music: YACHT – “Psychic City (Voodoo City) (Instrumental)” S…
Hilferufe aus dem World Trade Center
Direkt nach den Einschlägen der Flugzeuge riefen die Menschen aus den beiden Zwillingstürmen, telefonisch, um Hilfe. Sie sind die ersten Augenzeugen die beri…
World Trade Center as in King Kong 1976’s movie ending
The World Trade Center as pictured in the King Kong movie (1976 version). A tribute.
Busted! Same Owners Associated with World Trade Center Attack & Kenya Mall Bombing!
I Mean …….C’mon , It does NOT Get any more obvious that this a set up !…
One World Trade Center October 12, 2013
One World Trade Center October 12, 2013 as viewed from Breezy Point, Queens. Also we see Four World Trade Center, as well as the rest of the Lower and Mid-to…
World Trade Center Construction
More coverage of the World Trade Center from The Architect’s Newspaper at Piranha was commissioned by Silverstein Properties to create a short …
Timelapse of One World Trade Center’s construction
As the US marks the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the building which replaced the two towers of the World Trade Center is nearing completion. This ti…